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LHP2012 is attending a college camp over Christmas. Today I got a form to fill out about him; along with height/weight SAT scores, etc., was a line about "clearinghouse eligibility." I Googled the term and was unable to find a clear and simple explanation of what this is, so I thought someone here (probably many someones) would be kind enough to explain what this is, and whether I should put something in the blank other than "N/A."

Thanks much!

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You can register with the clearinghouse. Your son will get a pin number. There won't be much to look at on the site until he graduates from high school and gets grades and scores posted in the clearinghouse. Then his eligibility will be determined and posted on the clearinghouse website. There's a huge document you can download from the clearinghouse that gives you an indication about whether your son is taking the right courses,etc. YOu can fill in a form that has you list grades, etc. and you can kind of figure out where he's at with elibility for D1,D2, etc. I can't remember whether we had our son's test scores sent directly to the clearinghouse. I have a feeling we waited until he got the scores and then paid the extra fee to have them sent to the clearinghouse. Maybe somebody else on this website can best advise you on that..I do recall wanting to see his scores before sending them.

A word of advice: DO make sure your son is taking all the correct courses for matters to the clearinghouse whether the high school curriculum is rigorous enough. You can check to see if your high school is offering the right courses. You don't want to find out that LHP2012 didn't take the right history course or something!!
Newcomer posted very helpful info. A few more details about this point:

"A word of advice: DO make sure your son is taking all the correct courses for matters to the clearinghouse whether the high school curriculum is rigorous enough."

You can look up your son's specific HS on the clearinghouse site and see whether the courses he intends to take are approved as meeting the core requirements. Click on "List of Approved Core Courses (Form 48H)" in the left navigation:

Each high school must register their courses with the clearinghouse, and occasionally a HS may add a new course which WOULD meet the core course requirements, but is not listed on the clearinghouse site. If you discover this in time, your HS can submit that course to the clearinghouse for approval.

Last edited by MN-Mom

I believe that the clearinghouse will do a preliminary analysis to determine whether the student is on track to meet all the requirements, though as mentioned above they will not complete the certification until after graduation.

However, in years past I believe the clearinghouse did not do the preliminary analysis at the request of a PARENT or student. It may require that a college COACH who is recruiting the student make the request (after the parent and student have taken care of the registration).

Go ahead and ask your son's HS to submit the transcript, and you will be all set if when Smile a coach wants to contact the clearinghouse about your son.

Last edited by MN-Mom
By NCAA rule, a player may not take an official visit (max of 5 OVs may be taken after Sr year in HS begins) until he has his official college board scores (ACT or SAT) and his official HS transcripts (through the end of Jr year) in his "file" at the NCAA Eligibility Center (new name for the Clearinghouse). These must be sent directly by the testing centers and the HS to the Eligibility Center. Each college or university offering an official visit has access to the center to confirm that these official reports have been deposited.

The Eligibilty Center checks to make sure that the courses the player has meet the criteria required to date. And then, upon completion of HS, a final official transcript must be sent in order for a player to play in college.
Originally posted by MN-Mom:

However, in years past I believe the clearinghouse did not do the preliminary analysis at the request of a PARENT or student. It may require that a college COACH who is recruiting the student make the request (after the parent and student have taken care of the registration).

Still holds true. To get final offcial clearing house eligibility/to become an offical "qualifier" a request has to be instituted by the 4 year school...parents/players cannot get that done.

Additional info...This holds true for JC players as well. If not recruited out of HS by 4 year the transcipts may never have been finalized for eligibility...even though all the info is in. The clearinghouse will still hold that info awaiting 4 year interest. Why is that important?...without getting into detail...has some important impact on the academic requirements/options when moving 2 year to 4 year.

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44
OK, I understand now the need for the preliminary transcript in the recruiting phase.

However, 17 has signed his NLI, and has been admitted by his NLI school. The high school sent an official transcript (preliminary through Junior year) to the NLI school. The NLI school also had the ACT and SAT scores.

no11, I read the following on official visits in the 2008-2009 Guide for the College Bound Student-Athlete:

"Before a college may invite you on an official visit, you will have to provide the college with a copy of your high school transcript (Division I only) and SAT, ACT or PLAN score and register with the Eligibility Center."

It looks like as far as the Eligibility Center is involved, you just have to be registered with them prior to an official visit.

Am I then to presume the preliminary transcript (through Junior year) requirement helps fulfill a service that the NCAA eligibility center provides to coaches and colleges, and if your school accepts you without the preliminary qualification, that it must still be ok?

And obviously a student-athlete will still need to be fully certified, which can only occur with the final transcript after graduation.

I will still have 17 get the school to send the preliminary to the Eligibility Center. Thanks for the info.
Last edited by Backstop-17
Originally posted by observer44:

The NCAA eligibility center has recently adopted a new policy for high school student-athletes who have demonstrated a high level of academic achievement during their first six semesters of high school. Qualified student-athletes will receive an early certification waiver prior to high school graduation.

Cool 44

ob44 - thanks for the info!

I am going to infer from LHPMom2012's screen name that her son is a first semester freshman in high school. If that is true, how should she fill out the form? It would seem to me to be N/A at this point?
Backstop - you pose a good question. I had always thought that the official information must go through the center. Perhaps you should check with your son's college coach, and then also get his information to the center.

O44- thanks for this information, did not know this had been adopted. I wonder when in Sr year they will start the notification process for those who qualify?

As for LHP2012 registering son, it is probably too early, but it wouldn't hurt or harm anything. There just wouldn't be any information to be placed into the player's file until he gets is official college board scores (usually finished by end of Jr year) or his official end-of-year transcript from Jr year. It is a resource before that time to make sure the student-athlete is in-course taking all the right classes, etc. to remain qualified. Registration and fee payment can be done on-line.

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