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Hi all....I've gathered from reading old posts that I am not the only one to be having issues with the NCAA clearinghouse. Does anyone know of a contact phone # or email address for the clearinghouse?? The website only gives the standard question and answers with no contact info at all. My son is a freshman D2 LHP who called me in a panic tonight after the first team meeting, because the coach told him he hasn't been cleared yet. I did speak with the coach afterward and we both agree that it is just slowness on the clearinghouse end. They only just this week are showing they've received his final trans, but it hasn't been processed yet. Their first game is 9/23 and I have no way to ensure that he will be certified by then! Any suggestions??
Thanks in advance,
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Hi Ann - welcome to the hsbbweb Smile

I found this info at the bottom of general information page selected from the clearinghouse website. Here it is:

Clearinghouse mailing address:
NCAA Clearinghouse
301 ACT Drive
Box 4043
Iowa City, IA 52243-4043

Clearinghouse customer service hours:
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time Monday through Friday

Toll Free phone numbers (domestic callers only):
Customer Service Line - 877/262-1492

Phone numbers (international callers):
Customer Service Line - 319/337-1492

Fax Number: 319/337-1556
Thank you! I must have missed the customer service # in my haste!

The coach told my son and I not to worry, he is still practicing with the team. The coach does not seem concerned , the school has his transcripts etc and knows that he will have no problem getting certified. It's just the timing issue. Coach said if he's not cleared by next week he will have the compliance officer look into it. I was just hoping that by calling I might be able to speed up the process. You know, let them know the date he needs it by etc..
Coach wants him eligible for the first does my son!! Today was the first time since we moved him in that HE actually called ME (not the other way around) Smile
I will try the customer service # in the morning!
Combination of ClevelandDad's post and TPM's post might just do the trick - give the phone number info to the coach and ask him to take the action, whether it is coach who calls the Clearinghouse or compliance officer. Seems it has been reported here in the past that the Clearinghouse prioritizes requests and inquiries from the colleges above the same from individual players (or parents). (Edit - I see I posted same time as you did, MaBBmom. Very best wishes, and let us know how it turns out!)
Last edited by MN-Mom
Hi...Just a quick positive update. I finally got through to the clearinghouse Monday. The person I spoke with was very understanding and promised that she would pull my son's file, make a note that he needed it done asap. As of today the website is showing his final certification...YAY! Great news since he just informed me that his first game is now THIS Sat instead of Sun. 9/24.

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