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Before anyone suggests it, I will call the NCAA Clearinghouse with this question, but thought I would ask here if anyone has experience.

My '05 did not register with the Clearinghouse because we knew he would be going to a JUCO and assummed that he would stay there two years and get his AA degree. Things change, and it now looks like he will transfer to a specific DI next year.

My question, is it possible to go ahead and register with the Clearinghouse now? His grades and SAT scores should be fine as far as being a qualifier.

According to transfer guide, someone who does not register is automatically considered a non-qualifier, and would have to sit out a year if transferring prior to obtaining Associates degree.

There might be a good lesson here for others. We chose not to register because we did not think it would be necessary, wanted to save a few bucks, and consider the whole Clearinghouse deal to be somewhat of a "racket". However, we did not anticipate his needing to transfer early. Lesson learned!

BTW- he did have a 3.8 gpa his first semester. I don't know if that factors into the equation in any way.
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Let us know the answer after you speak with the clearinghouse.
I am under the impression that the clearinghouse is for HS students, your son would fall under the NCAA tranfer rules.

A good lesson learned for all parents, the clearinghouse is just what it is, a system designed for recommendation for eligibility for students wanting to play in colleges governed by the NCAA. It is also a helpful guide for parents and players wanting to know what courses are required for each division.
Unfortunately MontanaDad, I'm 99.9% positive he'll have to register. I'd get on there today and do it! While, it determines the qualification status out of HS, that is what is used to transfer from JUCO. If you are a qualifier out of HS, you can transfer to a NCAA in a year from JUCO. If you were not, then you have to meet entirely different requirements including having an Assoc degree. If a non- qualifier didn't need to register, any one could go JUCO for a year and then transfer at that time which can't happen of course.

Again, I'd have him register ASAP!
Just to clarify ...

I have no problem with registering. I understand that is a non-negotiable. My question was to whether or not it was too late for an '05 to register.

I did register online, and will have the HS send his final transcript.

Followup - I called the Clearinghouse, and not too surprising, they did not know the answer to my question and referred me directly to NCAA.

The person I spoke with at NCAA did, however, have a quick answer to the question. They told me that it was not too late, and to simply register with the Clearinghouse and have his HS transcript sent to the clearinghouse for processing. So I am very relieved.

For those who may not be familiar with the transfer process, (I'm not either, but I'm learning) here is the crux of the issue:

If a student does not register with the clearinghouse, they are automatically considered a "non-qualifier". For a "non-qualifier" to transfer to a Div I school, they must either obtain the Associate Degree from the Juco, or they must sit out for one full year at the 4 year school.

Lesson #1) If there is any question about playing at an NCAA school, go ahead and register.
Lesson #2) If one does not register prior to graduating HS, it is not too late. (Note: if the student is completing 2 years at a JUCO and will recieve an Associate degree, they do not need to register with the clearinghouse.)

Hope that information helps someone else.
MontanaDad - I have one more suggestion for ya and that's to stay on top of the clearinghouse! If you've never done that process before, it moves extremely slow!!! Also, if it's not processed by the time summer is getting close, I'd have the DI coach call them. My '05s didn't get done until I'm thinking in August (not that we needed it for JUCO, but I just wanted to know it was completed) and it only got done then because some coach called about it! They had his final transcript the first of June!

Once summer comes, your son will be in the big batch of '06s!!!!

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