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It seems the Cubs are very close to signing Cliff Floyd. If Floyd could get healthy and that's a big "IF" he would really benefit hitting in a lineup with Soriano, Lee, Barrett, and Ramirez. Hendry is a year late but he seems to be back on track. The Cubs look to have one of the best lineups in the NL.
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TrHit, That's so important having another good fit in the clubhouse, It's amazing how much damage a guy like Albert Bell remember that surly presence or even the big Hurt. I just think guys like that do way more damage than what appears on the surface. Yeah they put up some nice numbers but at what expense? Oh Yeah no titles, well Hurt did get a ring and really didn't have a chance to bring the team down in the end.
It's hard to gauge it but it's there. Interesting to note that everyone was worried about A.J. P coming to the Sox and what a cancer he was in the clubhouse, and it turned out he was a great players "Player" and a real nice addition to the team.
Last edited by Ibach
Barring just a miserable spring training I expect Felix Pie to break camp with the big club and be the starting CF in the season opener. If they do sign Floyd I also expect the Cubs to be agressive in trading Jones. Soriano will play RF in one of the leagues toughest parks. But, his arm will make up for a few bobbles in the field. No one will challenge him by trying to take an extra base. JMO
Last edited by itsrosy

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