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The "make up calls" discussion triggered some thoughts in my mind, the first of which is that in most games there really aren't that many really close calls. I'm talking bang-bang plays. If one of our batters gets thrown out by a half step at first, all of our parents (and sometimes the coaches) start screaming 'safe', 'you suck', etc. Ok, a batter being out by a half step isn't that close, and it's not really a tough call for a good ump. I really have a hard time watching games with the other parents on our teams. Most know so little about the game and can't be objective when their kids are involved. That's not to say there aren't blown calls. There certainly are. Most of the umps we have in 12u and 10u are good enough, not great, but good enough. We have all one-man crews so as long as the ump is hustling out to make calls, I generally give him the benefit of the doubt even if I think he missed one or two.

My only common complaint is the strike zone. Of course the consistency issue is there as well as (in my opinion), the general expectations for younger age groups. When I'm sitting to the side of home plate, the ump has a much better view of the corners than me. But I can see up and down much better than him. It's easy to see where the top and bottom of the strike zone are and it's pretty easy to tell when the ump calls something he hasn't been calling the whole game. But the bigger question for me is why do umps in youth leagues (and other levels as well I guess) give pitches 4-5 inches off the corners, but don't give anything above the belly button. Especially in 10u and similar ages, there's no way a batter can put the bat on a pitch 4-5 inches off the outside corner. But they can certainly make contact with a ball over the plate, at the letters. The design, or interpretation of the strike zone in this way makes no sense to me. Don't get me wrong, when my son is pitching I'll take the wide zone. But generally, I don't think it's as fair to young batters.

The other big complaint I have is that our local leauges and tournaments don't use two-man crews for our games. There are so many plays that a single ump can't get an angle on, it's inevitable that there will be missed calls. We had one last night. Our batter fouled a pitch off his foot, the ball rolled fair but the batter jumped up and down and stayed in the box..."foul ball" was the call correctly. The very next pitch, the batter chops the ball straight down, and when it bounces back up it goes off his leg into fair territory. The batter took off for first and the pitcher came in and tried to make the throw to first. Of course it should have been a foul ball (I saw it), but the ump was blocked and probably went on the players' reactions. Can't blame him there. But the other team gave him hell. The pitcher threw the ball into RF and two runs scored. After the play the other coaches were all over him. But there was really no way for him to call it a foul ball.

That's enough for now. I'll wait and see if others have similar experiences.
------------------------------------------ I'm a schizophrenic...and so am I.
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The other big complaint I have is that our local leauges and tournaments don't use two-man crews for our games. There are so many plays that a single ump can't get an angle on, it's inevitable that there will be missed calls.

"Missed calls." You are right as long as IMO you are refering to calls that just can't be seen by the one man. My biggest pet peeves working one man, the PO at 3rd and the stolen base to second, neither play gives the umpire much chance. The throw to 2B pulls the SS towards 1B as the runner approaches there is a catch and a swipe at the runner, even though in my mind he probably got the runner with the tag, if I can't see the out how can I call the out? The problem with this play is the 1B coach probably sees the tag clearly as well as the SS and 2BM, as well as any fans seated behind 1B. Now it turns against the umpire, "you missed that one blue, you got a kid on the team?, your killing us blue". Rather than blame blue, the cat calls should be: "your killing us Pres/BOD, pull some $$ outta your pocket, give this man some help", "your missing a great game Tresurer".

Your right though that most fans don't understand the angles needed to make a call on the field. Umpires work very hard anticipating and hustling to gain those angles, but you can't get em all. Most Associations give dicounted rates for 2 and 3 man coverage, it's not just the 1 man rate doubled or tripled.

Umpires IMO, don't like doing one man games for the very things you mention, we are selling product and we want our product to be the best, one man can't (always) produce the best product.
I have worked my share of one man over the years and it isn't the best way to call a game. When I joined the HS group 20 yrs ago they were doing JV with a one man system. Luckily our group insisted we would no longer send just one. If the schools didn't want two then they got none. Luckily none went that route.
As far as strike zones, everyone has their perception of the strike zone. Anyone that tries calling a major league zone in a 10 or 12 game is in for a long day. Anyone that calls as wide as you say is cheating the kids. I'm not saying you can't give a little off the outside corner but it has to a hittable pitch.
Too many youth umps call too big a zone not too small. They call pitches in the dirt and in the eyes, using the thought that they need to to keep from having walkathons. It is doing no one any good. The batters don't what to swing at and the pitches don't learn the control they need at higher levels.
My suggestion is to lobby for a second ump in as many games as possible. This will do a couple of things. It will get you a better called game and the lower umps will learn proper mechanics that hey need to move up. That was our complaint as a HS group. We were sending new guys out to learn how to ump at the next level but he was going out without a more experienced partner. This meant it took longer for them to move to varsity.
Regarding one-man situations, I'll ask a question to the umps in the crowd here. I may get killed for asking this but wouldn't it be easier to call the game from behind the pitcher rather than behind the catcher? I saw one ump do this a year ago, but that's the only time I've ever seen it. I assume it would give you a better angle on base calls, do you take away too much of your ability to call balls and strikes? This seems like such a stupid question but I've always wondered why umps don't try it.

Regarding one-man situations, I'll ask a question to the umps in the crowd here. I may get killed for asking this but wouldn't it be easier to call the game from behind the pitcher rather than behind the catcher? I saw one ump do this a year ago, but that's the only time I've ever seen it. I assume it would give you a better angle on base calls, do you take away too much of your ability to call balls and strikes? This seems like such a stupid question but I've always wondered why umps don't try it.

I've never trid it, but it was common in my JH school days. Not sure why no one tries it anymore, just went the way of the dinasour I guess.
Seems the only real draw back would indeed be calling balls and strikes, that IMO, is mainly due to the slight angle you'd get working around the pitcher, and being in the batters line of sight. I can hear it now, NO White or Gray lettering on the Umpires cap or chest!!
As far as from an umpires view, sheesh, sign me up. At the lower levels with many base runners, not sure I'd even bring my gear. Fair and foul could get pretty hairy.
I will say I coached for 17 years and called many a practice games/scrimmages from there
and didn't notice much difference in calling balls and strikes, much more leisurly out there for sure. I'm writ-n my UIC right now.

Better base coverage.
No foul balls or balls in the dirt getting a piece of ya.
No tangling with catchers.
No hot mask (at least some nice breaks).
Foul balls off the batter.
Catch no catch on third strike.
Can witness pitcher taking signs while on the rubber (okay I'm reaching on this one).
Shorts, tank tops and sneakers. (okay my softball side is coming out).

Working around the pitcher.
Inside/outside pitches.
Hit (nicked) batter.
Obstruction at 2nd
Pick offs at 2nd, better know which way he's spinning.
And the worst; it's a long ways to keep the plate clean.
Just a few thoughts....

One man games....I have done them, as I am sure we all have....of course it happens....your partner does not show up or a misassignment cause this....

However, it is not a game I would take knowing ahead of man game mechanics is something that you must cover in pregame with the man games are the "least desired" way to do a ball game..In a one man umpired game, without a doubt, that umpire can not see always see that pulled foot or missed tag, or tagup....if they want that detail, they need to pay for another set of eyes......

if you are assigned a one man game, you, the coaches and the fans should automatically know the limitations on what can be done/seen....and your pre game should include a zero tolerance on hassle based on what your limitations are in one man mechanics....

I know we discussed this earlier, but imagine the horror of this situation......assume one man game...umpire behind the plate....

R1 and R3....less than 2 ball down either foul the umpire you have Fair/foul responsiblities, catch/no catch responisibtilies, tag up if caught, and any play at either home or second........

and after the play the coach wants to appeal a runner leaving are not getting that call....cant be seen in one man....

as far as calling the game behind the mound, this is not acceptable for most trained umpires.... there are up to 300 pitches to call and the only place to do that is behind the catcher.....there is also your fair/ foul if Im giving up an area of coverage, it wont be those two.....
Last edited by piaa_ump

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