Hello All,
With a few days off, I stumbled upon this very informative, albeit overwhelming website. As a newbie on most chat rooms alike, I haven't determine how to search for previous threads regarding my topic. So, with that said, I'd like to get feedback regarding preparation for a specific club team placement etc..(BTW, he attends a private 5A (K-12) school that may not get the press or recognition of public 6A schools. So club ball is where I'd like to position this thread).
My son is a 2022, very competitive, academically sound athlete with the desire to compete at the highest level afforded to him. We recently joined one of the top two DFW select clubs with the idea of aligning ourselves with solid instruction, competition and club recognition. I feel confident he will continue to prosper with his new team. However, most organizations have a top tier or "A Team". I'm fairly confident we are just as competitive, but my concern is.. will teams that aren't recognized as top tier organizational teams get the same exposure when he eventually gets to High School? Should his goal include making the top team OR does it make a difference? Our level of competition and schedule will be very similar. With any luck, we will be paired together in championship games. There's a likelihood, that he could workout with other team and make it next year if we felt it is in his best interest. We would only make a change if it made sense.
Any thoughts on this is appreciated. I realize these are premature questions for this site, but thought I would bounce off you all anyhow. I look forward to reviewing this website thoroughly.