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Hey everybody..


I was just wanting to know what is everybody's take on Club Baseball?

Here at San Antonio College (San Antonio, TX) we are having a tryout Friday, June 21st at 10AM,


We are decently competitive and are put on by the NCBA. (National Club Baseball Association)

I know everyone wants to play "real" college baseball but I think that maybe this gives someone who was overlooked an opportunity to shine at SOME-SORT of college-level.

We sometimes have scouts from organizations and other "real" college program coaches drop in and pick up a few players.


Just trying to gauge interest and see everybody's opinion.




-- J.

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We have friends whose son plays for UNC. He loves it. UNC is able to be supportive financially which helps a lot, plus they get the hand me downs from the "varsity" team. It's structured but relaxed at the same time. They travel and have a big tournament at the end of the season. 


The best thing for our friend is that he can peruse his major of pre med while playing a game he loves. 




I think it is a great option for those kids who may have been overlooked and want to continue their involvement in baseball.  We've researched it quite a bit, and my middle son knows it is an option for him if he determines that he has some discretionary time as a rising freshmen engineering major at a large D1 state school.  He loves the game, but it has to be on his terms due to his major.  If he decides it isn't for him then life moves on.


We know quite a few kids that play club ball, and they love it.  According to them, their time investment is about 25% to 50% of their school's varsity team not including travel.  There can be a few levels of club baseball within the same school.  Some do significant travel, and some do local travel only.   There are a lot of options out there depending on the school.   Also, there is a cost and monthly dues.  So, you may want to check that out if you haven't already.  It isn't a cheap club from what can tell.


Good luck!

I've had multiple friends that have eschewed the opportunity to play small college baseball so that they could go to a larger school for the atmosphere, academics, etc. Many of them have given club baseball a shot and I can say that every person I know that has tried has had a great experience.


As 55Mom mentioned, a lot of varsity teams will give "hand me downs" to the club teams which is pretty neat. And, if guys on the team have a dream of walking onto the big squad, club ball is a great way to stay sharp.

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