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Hi, All. I'll try to explain this as best I can and hopefully it will be clear when I'm finished. If anyone has the answer it would be greatly appreciated. I've looked through the threads for a similar situation but haven't found one to use as a reference point.


I'm a web site administrator for a summer club team (baseball). We play in several national showcase events throughout the summer and fall. We keep a roster on the web site in which the individual players have a bio/profile with an option to add highlights, stats and so forth. This web site is given as a reference to tournament directors where college coaches may or may not look at.

All of our players (my son included)play HS baseball. Some of them are all staters / player of the year / all conference and so forth.

My question is this. Am I as an administrator ( which basically only equates to a parent with extra time on their hands and knowlege of the art) allowed to add links to recruiting service profiles like berecruited (for one) to their profile. Am I allowed to place video of the player in their roster profile? Am I allowed in any way to add HS references and accomplishments to their profile on our club team web site?

In other words, I don't want to mess up their eligibility. It would ne nice if I could add HS and club team ...things(for lack of a better word) but just don't know if I can or not.

Any help would be appreciated. Even if it's maybe reconstructing my question itself.


If you're not practicing there is always someone else who is and when you meet he or she will beat you.

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There is no rule against it. There are rules which affect a college's ability to view videos which have been privately provided by a recruiting service, but a rules violation wouldn't affect an athlete's eligibility.

As I understand your intent, the videos and other information would be available publicly. There is no rule against either posting or viewing such information.
Originally posted by RJM:
Regardless of rules, I would make the data assessible to any player and their familes to decide how they want to manage it.

Yes, I agree with that. You do mean
assessable not to be confused with accessible though,I assume. Meaning that they should be of the position to determine the value of actually putting the video up?

I only ask that because any video actually uploaded to the web site would be opposite of that which would be directly linked to. Like the berecruited, perfect game and what have you. That stuff is basically theirs anyhow and would already be assembled in a manner for which they would already have approved. Those links also contain HS stats as well and even HS video.

I just don't want to accidentally be assessed as an "agent" since we are a club team.

I hope that makes sense.
Originally posted by 3FingeredGlove:
There is no rule against it. There are rules which affect a college's ability to view videos which have been privately provided by a recruiting service, but a rules violation wouldn't affect an athlete's eligibility.

As I understand your intent, the videos and other information would be available publicly. There is no rule against either posting or viewing such information.

Right. But if I were to link little Johnny's recruitment profile (which is a third party as well as one that contains both club and HS video, stats, and a whole other host of information)from our club team profile I've essentially partnered the two in a manner that may be consistent with the theory that the club team is acting as an agent by linking to information relative to HS.

Do you see my madness?

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