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Ok, last thread for a while. Just a shout out to a great summer coach and just to say a coach can be 75 years old(yep - alittle slow walking out to third and alittle scary with a hard foul ball that way) and still have what it takes. Son has played for this retired HS coach for four years now and he has developed him into a very solid and disciplined baseball player. Taught him situational baseball. Stressed the importance of defense(won many a game on defense) and good base running - hitting your cut off man - solid baseball skills that I see lacking in many of todays players. He puts kids in a position to be successful - recognizes that if a pitcher is having an off day - not to leave him in to "work it out" - doesn't baby the kids. Expects them to come ready to play(once saw him lock the doors to practice if you were late. LOL). I have seen him take a team that should be below average and play better than teams with D1 kids and beat them. Has one retired Cy Young winner he coached a while back. And lastly, when the mother of one of our boys recently passed away, the team went and sat together at the funeral. So, yes, there are some gems out there. And I am very grateful and thankful to this man. He encouraged my son when other coaches wrote him off. Thanks! And I know there are other coaches out there like him too - some on this site. So thanks all for encouraging our boys. Smile
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