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Originally posted by txbb6:
after going over the paper work, texan and bee are correct. the 25% scholorship son was offered is full cost of attendance. we can cut our cost down if son lives at home. sorry about mis leading ya'll.

Our son just started his official baseball career at 5:15am today at TAMU. He has been in CS for over a week ahead of time, working out, getting to know his teammates/roommates, hanging out & having a blast. Living in the dorm is essential to feel a part of it all, especially at Calloway which is more like an Embassay Suites. This Ag passed on going pro out of hs & is estatic about his choice. I've never seen him happier! Don't pass on living in the dorm if you can possibly swing it.
this whole thing went really fast. complete opposite of what i was expecting. from the camp, next day a phone call, 4 days later a meeting, and finally, 2 days after the meeting a commitment. we are 1 of the lucky ones thats for sure. thanks to all the pros on this web site for all the valuable information. i just dont think it would have happened like this if it werent for you guys. this web site and really good coaches made this happen. and some hard work from son of course.

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