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We just told the plain truth.

I would tell him the best schools you are dealing with. You want them to think you are being recruited by the best schools and they need to make a good offer to get you.

I would be careful with this piece of advice...we later learned that this in fact scared some schools off that our son would have otherwise strongly considered.

I think an answer like, "I have narrowed it down to N schools and you are definitely one of them" is a fine answer as long as its true.

Earlier in the recruiting process my son found it was easier to let the coaches know which conferences he was talking to instead of giving specific teams names. It gave the coaches a general idea of the level he was getting interest from.

As offers were starting to be made, he then started telling them specifically which teams were in the mix. Interestingly, most of the schools already seem to be aware of who he was talking too.

One thing I would strongly suggest is that your son doesn't take any school for granted. You never know who the coach might be friends with. In our situation, my son had been seen by a local head coach from an Ivy League school. While Jerseyson is a smart kid, let’s just say he probably isn’t Ivy League material. Anyway the Ivy coach happens to be friends with the head coach of the team he signed with. We found out later in the recruiting process that the Ivy coach had called and said he should be looking at my son as a recruit. Who knew, I’m sure glad my son didn’t blow off the local coach!
Last edited by jerseydad
The truth is always the best policy. If the coach were to find out that you were having substanitive talks with a school(s) you didn't mention, that may portray you as less than forthcoming. No coach feels good about recruiting a player he can't trust.

If you don't want to tell him, "I'm not really comfortable talking about other schools interest", would be a good way to handle it.
This is an interesting thread when read in conjunction with the one directly below it "Over recruiting"... players are wondering if they should be honest with coaches about what other schools they are looking at during the recruitment process, and all the while coaches are stringing players along and bringing in way more players than they need. What a strange process this is...
Answering the question honestly and completly is the best course of action. And you never know, one of the schools may up their offer when they find out who you are talking to.

I didn't feel like any school backed off when they found out who they were competing with, in fact one of the schools upped their offer when they found out who they were competing with.

It was almost impossible to guess why some schools stopped calling.

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