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Need some advise. I'm a 2013 and really interested in playing for a particular college. The Head Coach has seen me play several times and talked to my summer manager and told him that he likes my skills. I've attended camps at this and plan on doing so again when they hold another one next month.
I feel at this point I should reach out to the coach and speak with him personally.
My question is ,what should i say? don't want to shoot myself in the foot.

I love reading this site and would appriciate any advise you could offer. Thanks...
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I'm a 2013 and really interested in playing for a particular college. The Head Coach has seen me play several times and talked to my summer manager and told him that he likes my skills. I've attended camps at this and plan on doing so again when they hold another one next month.

try this.....

"Coach, I'm a 2013 and really interested in playing for you and coming to your college. I beleive youve seen me play several times and talked to my summer manager. I've attended your camps and plan on doing so again next month."

then let him take it from there......

simple and of luck....
Citiguy - Remember that the coach knows that you are nervous and he knows that you are just a kid. He is a professional, he has talked to kids just like you a million times. Its part of his job to make that easier for you. So...go ahead and ask the question - "Coach, thanks for watching me play I really appreciate you coming out to watch. I am very interested in your school. What do you think of me as a ball player?" Then, talk about the one thing you both have in common. Love of baseball!
Originally posted by Blue10:
You might want to think about WHY you want to play for that specific college...

This good advice and a very important point. Be able to describe what you like about the school's academics and the baseball program. It's okay to be nervous, but it will help if you have something to say. I'd also suggest having a few questions to ask, maybe something about his recruiting process or any suggestions he has for you. Remember to listen to the answers as well and any signals he may sending.

Good luck!
Do your homework first! Prepare before making your call to coach. This shows coach that you really care and this is important to you. Check out the academics offered, enrollment size, look at the current roster and schedule. Now, come up with a few questions that you have that are important to you. Be persistant and good luck.
Prepare a profile about yourself which includes your class rank, GPA, select courses you have taken whether they be honors or advanced placement perhaps. Include some extracurricular activities as well and any community service you might have or will be involved in the future. When you speak to the coach tell him you would like to email him your academic/athletic profile as well. Also include any notable athletic awards or achievements. Combine this info with some of the former ideas listed by others on this page and you will be making a well-rounded, attractive presentation to the coach. Good Luck!
-"College Baseball Placement Services"

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