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bb313 - welcome to the hsbbweb Smile

Those are some tough thoughts and not sure if I have the right answer. Reading between the lines, it sounds as if it is believed your son was possibly stabbed in the back by an unethical coach? Here is my very small two cents. I know there are two sides to every story. I'll give you one possible other side. Some parent learns that when a college coach was in the building, the coach that was giving lessons to her son aggresively promoted her son to the respective coach. That parent might be praising the guy if that is all they knew of the story. On the other hand, I can understand your feelings and I may very likely feel the same way. If that coach was aware they were there to see your son, then I think there is something to be said about that. If he was merely looking out for his guys and had no knowledge of your son's situation, then you may want to let it go at that.

Look at the bright side, a college coach came to see your son. If one coach likes him, I am sure others will like him as well.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
I can't imagine a coach that ever goes to see a recruit play where he does not take note and observe whoever else is there as well. Coaches have to look for the best fit for their program, just as our son's have to look for the best fit for them. If the facility instructor dragged this DII coach off to the side against his will, I'm sure the college coach was experienced enough to explain what the purpose of his visit was. However, they would rarely make a visit somewhere and only end up eyeballing one kid. That's just not the way to stretch recruiting trips.

Just because he talked with the instructor, doesn't mean he didn't observe your son, get additional info on your son, nor is no longer interested in him. This time of year is a very busy time for all coaches as they are getting their seasons started. I would suspect that he's probably just busy or that perhaps he plans on coming to see your son throw this spring. I wouldn't write the opportunity off as lost, but would advise your son to continue to pursue others as well. Don't be surprised if the coach or someone else from his staff show up at a game of your sons this spring.
Last edited by lafmom
Since the visit we have not heard a word, even after sending an email.
bbl313, I can understand your frustration. a few thoughts .. it sounds like your instructor stabbed you by downplaying your son & promoting some other guys. he musta also turned off the coach who was ready to talk money.

first thought - fire the instructor & find better quality people to instruct your son.

second thought - chalk the experience up to education if the coach doesn't respond - ya don't want to play 4 yrs for a guy who messes with your mind during recruiting anyway

third thought - call TR

hope that helps
Last edited by Bee>
If you all read carefully it was not the instructor but another one that got the coaches attention.

A coaches job is to look for the best player for his program and sometimes that means doing things we would never dream of doing (not returning phone calls or emails). Sounds like the coach is the one who was out of line and unprofessional. JMO.

I say move on.
The coaches are always going to look for the best players to fit in their programs.

We always let the coaches know all the players who are on our teams and they have their options of recruiting anyone on the team.

When the college coaches talk to the team's coaches they always talk about all the players, they may focus on who they originally look for, but will ask many questions about others as well.
Baseballlife - Do you really want your son to go play for this coach who is so easily swayed? You're mad because he's not the flavor of the week anymore. Instead you should be grateful that your son isn't in danger of playing for him. Isn't it possible the coach saw something he didn't like? And what if he did see another kid and is purposefully not returning your calls? That is his prerogative. Chalk this one up to experience. Next time, have your son be the only one throwing when a coach comes calling.

I can understand your frustration and disappointment. You made arrangements for a coach to come and watch your son pitch. An instructor at the facility interfered (at least somewhat) with that coach's concentration on watching your son.

All the advice above seems good, especially this comment:

Look at the bright side, a college coach came to see your son. If one coach likes him, I am sure others will like him as well.
if it were me, I would definately confront the instructor on his behavior. I would also talk to his boss.

I think that was extremely unprofessional, especially if your son has been a student there for awhile. I have no problem with him talking to the coach and advocating other students, but he should have the common decency to wait until the coach is through evaluationg your son.

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