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Well, I edited it because I realized after I posted that I had been baited. This isn't a political website, it's a baseball message board. So, if you want to rail on about the liberal activist judges, the liberal biased media, how global warming is a hoax (despite almost unanimous scientific agreement that it isn't), how unbiased Fox News is, and how corrupt the legal system is, then maybe you ought to just go over to the Feaux News website and pile on the Democrats. Kramer, what exactly do you do for a living, other than remind us every third post that your son plays in the ACC? Yes, we all know that your son has been said to have the best control of the strike zone on the ACC. You can stop reminding us now. I'm sure whatever profession that is, I can find a corrupt individual or two and then use that as support for painting the entire profession corrupt.

Originally Posted by Billy19:

Roothog, Why did you edit your last reply to Rob Kremer? Read the original in it's entirety & I've got to say it was much longer (& entertaining). I was going to jump in and have some fun with a portion but it's gone? Thanks to email I still got it and had to copy & paste a small portion below (with quotation marks inserted). All I can say is it's pretty damn cold this winter to make a global warming argument! Thanks for the laughs. Oh yeah, I am a skeptic on the subject.


"I'm also going to just guess that you don't believe that Global Warming is real and therefore any suits brought that claim environmental harm are inherently invalid."

Inform yourself a bit, Billy. Some of the side effects of global warming include harsh winters. Read something once in awhile. Watch something other than Fox. Expand your mind.

Originally Posted by roothog66:

Inform yourself a bit, Billy. Some of the side effects of global warming include harsh winters. Read something once in awhile. Watch something other than Fox. Expand your mind.


Roothog, I guess you are probably one of the believers of the Global Cooling alarmists of the 70's? As mentioned earlier; I believe the correct terminology is now "climate change" rather than Global Warming. And yeah, heard the recent explanations about the polar vortex breaking down due to warm air. OMG, causes the whole thing to destabilize and the cold air goes all over the world! Funny thing is similar explanation was given in the 70's to support similar but opposite arguments. When you say a all the experts agree? BS on that; dissent is plentiful. MY OPINION is Global Warming/Climate Change/Global Cooling (or whatever is the flavor of the day) is junk science. Would sure like to have some global warming this winter; baseball season's about to start & I'll need to purchase a heater to watch my son's games (& I live in a warm weather climate). If I ever get to California & do something stupid which results in legal problems; I'm going to look you up Roothog. Truly believe you'd wear anyone out and never give up an argument. Best Wishes

yes - when it is warm it is global warming, when it is cold it is global warming, when it rains, have a snow storm, is dry or sunny it is global warming....couldn't be anything else.


We never had an ice age before human polution, we never had floods, we never had shifting seas, half of Neveda is an old lake/ocean bed, retreating glaciers - wait - what - oh you mean we did have all of those things...oh never mind.


We never had the famed hockey stick curve or whatever the exact name of the thing they fabricated in academia (i believe it was the UK) a few years back - wait oh that right google it and there are multiple flatout frauds from you treehuggers just to prove a point - facts don't matter you and your kind will twist them as needed. Wait the last 100 hundred years we have had temps rising...100 years in the scope of time is like having a headache for day.


I really wish you would join a soccer site to discuss this garbage with a bunch of socialists from Europe.


Thank God (I can't imagine you believe in him) baseball is an American game and you seem to be very alone in your thoughts on here.

Originally Posted by Billy19:
Originally Posted by roothog66:

Inform yourself a bit, Billy. Some of the side effects of global warming include harsh winters. Read something once in awhile. Watch something other than Fox. Expand your mind.


Roothog, I guess you are probably one of the believers of the Global Cooling alarmists of the 70's? As mentioned earlier; I believe the correct terminology is now "climate change" rather than Global Warming. And yeah, heard the recent explanations about the polar vortex breaking down due to warm air. OMG, causes the whole thing to destabilize and the cold air goes all over the world! Funny thing is similar explanation was given in the 70's to support similar but opposite arguments. When you say a all the experts agree? BS on that; dissent is plentiful. MY OPINION is Global Warming/Climate Change/Global Cooling (or whatever is the flavor of the day) is junk science. Would sure like to have some global warming this winter; baseball season's about to start & I'll need to purchase a heater to watch my son's games (& I live in a warm weather climate). If I ever get to California & do something stupid which results in legal problems; I'm going to look you up Roothog. Truly believe you'd wear anyone out and never give up an argument. Best Wishes

What's your degree in again Billy? It's nice that you have an opinion, but I think I'll side with the vast majority of those who have the education and experience. Yes, Global warming and evolution are theories. Then again, so is gravity. I didn't want to make this a political thing, that's why I deleted the post. But, since you decided to go ahead and re-post a portion of it (despite the fact that I obviously withdrew it intentionally) why don't you go ahead and re-post the entire thing.


Not from California. I'm from Arkansas and Texas. Live and work in Colorado.

Originally Posted by old_school:

yes - when it is warm it is global warming, when it is cold it is global warming, when it rains, have a snow storm, is dry or sunny it is global warming....couldn't be anything else.


We never had an ice age before human polution, we never had floods, we never had shifting seas, half of Neveda is an old lake/ocean bed, retreating glaciers - wait - what - oh you mean we did have all of those things...oh never mind.


We never had the famed hockey stick curve or whatever the exact name of the thing they fabricated in academia (i believe it was the UK) a few years back - wait oh that right google it and there are multiple flatout frauds from you treehuggers just to prove a point - facts don't matter you and your kind will twist them as needed. Wait the last 100 hundred years we have had temps rising...100 years in the scope of time is like having a headache for day.


I really wish you would join a soccer site to discuss this garbage with a bunch of socialists from Europe.


Thank God (I can't imagine you believe in him) baseball is an American game and you seem to be very alone in your thoughts on here.

Wow, old_school, you're quite the debater. Your arguments pretty much end this debate.

Originally Posted by roothog66:

What's your degree in again Billy? It's nice that you have an opinion, but I think I'll side with the vast majority of those who have the education and experience. Yes, Global warming and evolution are theories. Then again, so is gravity. I didn't want to make this a political thing, that's why I deleted the post. But, since you decided to go ahead and re-post a portion of it (despite the fact that I obviously withdrew it intentionally) why don't you go ahead and re-post the entire thing.


 Was attempting to be polite & end on a nice note but I've got to say you are a nut Roothog. Your posts are to the point they do not deserve a reply therefore I will now disengage. Congrats on getting the last word. 




Last edited by Billy19
Originally Posted by old_school:


I really wish you would join a soccer site to discuss this garbage with a bunch of socialists from Europe.


Thank God (I can't imagine you believe in him) baseball is an American game and you seem to be very alone in your thoughts on here.

That is your idea of ending on a nice note? Resort to name? Your quite a guy, Billy. Quite a guy. I'd hate to see you when you get nasty.

Originally Posted by roothog66:
Originally Posted by old_school:


I really wish you would join a soccer site to discuss this garbage with a bunch of socialists from Europe.


Thank God (I can't imagine you believe in him) baseball is an American game and you seem to be very alone in your thoughts on here.

That is your idea of ending on a nice note? Resort to name? Your quite a guy, Billy. Quite a guy. I'd hate to see you when you get nasty.


You quoted the wrong poster Sherlock.


Originally Posted by Rob Kremer:

Gee, root. What an angry litle man you are.

Again, Rob. What do you do for a living? You've attacked my profession as corrupt as a whole. I only ask what it is you do. You speak of ridiculous laws and "politicians in robes." What laws do you mean and who are these judges? I assume from your earlier comments that you mean liberal judges and I am going to guess you believe the following laws to be valid and just:


Sanctity of marriage laws;


Laws prohibiting the teaching of evolution in schools;


Laws banning abortion in any way.


Likewise, I bet the following are laws and case law made by corrupt politicians and "politicians in robes":


Roe v. Wade;


Decisions allowing ho-mo-sexuals to marry;


any law that regulates carbon emissions; and last, but not least


the Affordable care Act.


Damn socialists are running (and ruining) the country just like that SOB Franklin Roosevelt did.

Originally Posted by Billy19:
Originally Posted by roothog66:
Originally Posted by old_school:


I really wish you would join a soccer site to discuss this garbage with a bunch of socialists from Europe.


Thank God (I can't imagine you believe in him) baseball is an American game and you seem to be very alone in your thoughts on here.

That is your idea of ending on a nice note? Resort to name? Your quite a guy, Billy. Quite a guy. I'd hate to see you when you get nasty.


You quoted the wrong poster Sherlock.


My apologies. That was, indeed, old_school.

OK. I'm just going to apologize for any posts that got personal. Especially to you, Rob. One particular comment was way below the belt and was made for ulterior reasons. I come to these websites to see what is going on in the general coaching community and to learn from other baseball people. To further educate myself on baseball in general and, to this website in particular, to get advice from those who have already gone through what I am about to go through. I only posted on this particular thread to bring up a few points that I am uniquely familiar with and maybe bring another view point to what I thought was a general overreaction. I certainly didn't intend this to turn into a political argument. You won't find me on political message boards for this very reason. There is nothing to learn. Your not changing anyone's mind and no one is changing mine. I do see, that many posters who have a great deal to offer me baseball-wise have politics far different than mine, but I certainly don't think that taints what they have to offer me on this site.


Again, I apologize for any personal attacks and would prefer to just move on to other topics.

Originally Posted by roothog66:

OK. I'm just going to apologize for any posts that got personal. Especially to you, Rob. One particular comment was way below the belt and was made for ulterior reasons. I come to these websites to see what is going on in the general coaching community and to learn from other baseball people. To further educate myself on baseball in general and, to this website in particular, to get advice from those who have already gone through what I am about to go through. I only posted on this particular thread to bring up a few points that I am uniquely familiar with and maybe bring another view point to what I thought was a general overreaction. I certainly didn't intend this to turn into a political argument. You won't find me on political message boards for this very reason. There is nothing to learn. Your not changing anyone's mind and no one is changing mine. I do see, that many posters who have a great deal to offer me baseball-wise have politics far different than mine, but I certainly don't think that taints what they have to offer me on this site.


Again, I apologize for any personal attacks and would prefer to just move on to other topics.

Well said Root. And as Rodney King once famously asked; can't we just all get along?

Originally Posted by Billy19:
Originally Posted by roothog66:

OK. I'm just going to apologize for any posts that got personal. Especially to you, Rob. One particular comment was way below the belt and was made for ulterior reasons. I come to these websites to see what is going on in the general coaching community and to learn from other baseball people. To further educate myself on baseball in general and, to this website in particular, to get advice from those who have already gone through what I am about to go through. I only posted on this particular thread to bring up a few points that I am uniquely familiar with and maybe bring another view point to what I thought was a general overreaction. I certainly didn't intend this to turn into a political argument. You won't find me on political message boards for this very reason. There is nothing to learn. Your not changing anyone's mind and no one is changing mine. I do see, that many posters who have a great deal to offer me baseball-wise have politics far different than mine, but I certainly don't think that taints what they have to offer me on this site.


Again, I apologize for any personal attacks and would prefer to just move on to other topics.

Well said Root. And as Rodney King once famously asked; can't we just all get along?

And as a great philosopher once said, "That there's funny! I don't care who you are."

Here is the operative sentence:


"As he ran toward home plate from his position as the third-base coach to celebrate the winning run scoring from third, he said he felt a sharp pain in his ankle and turned around to see a player’s helmet near his feet."


Guess what happens when us old overweight guys run like that.  Our Achilles tendons pop.  The helmet had nothing to do with it.  The coach is a tool. 

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