My son's high school baseball coaches proved to be fair football coaches...
The coach that has impacted mys son's life the most (other that me
)is an old professional coach that he has taken lessons from for the past nine years. Coach was with one major league team for fifty years, working for them on the MLB and minor league level. He has helped my son with his mechanics and understanding of the game (not to mention helping my understanding of the game). Coach stresses the mental side of the game, mechanics, hard work and character.
When HS ball was going poorly, Coach would point out (in ways that a dad can't) that the world is not fair and this was just an inconvenience to work past. He inspired my son with the idea that as long as he loves the game, he should play until absolutely no one will let him play anymore - then he should consider coaching, front office, umping, etc.
Coach John Gilbert has truely been a COACH to my son.