I was reading an article the other day about one of the coaches who did a presentation on hitting to the ABCA. Turns out he is a very successful DIII coach.
The article described how overwhelmed the the coach was to do the nearly 1 hour presentation, especially having been asked to do the presentation on hitting by one of the deans of DI baseball coaching.
This article led me to think about this site.
We often talk about the difference between DI, DII, DIII, NAIA and JC but rarely is there ever a mention about whether there is a difference in the "quality" of the coaching at those levels.
That made me wonder: are players better coached/instructed at DI as opposed to DIII, for instance?
We also talk about why players make decisions on schools. I reviewed some past threads and often time the coaches are referred to as "good guys," "good recruiters," very nice people, and the like.
I could not find a thread that actually described the skills we should look for/do look for in deciding if this is a "good college coach."
Would be very interested in all thoughts about whether the quality of coaching is dependent on the level at which you coach, and, more importantly what does make a good college baseball coach.
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