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Some of the more wise among us have not yet stepped in so here are a few thoughts to get you started.....

Tell your son
Do not focus on the other player. Instead focus on the things that you can control....yourself.

Be the first person to arrive at the field for games and practice and be the last to leave.

Practice hard. Practice away from the team on your own. Practice so you will be sharp if you are given a chance to play.

Do not wait to be asked before you chase down foul balls or warm up the outfielder between innings. Be the first on the field at the end of the game with a rake or tarp.

Be in the game even when you aren't playing. Know the outs, know the count. See if you can pick up the signs. Cheer on your team. Congratulate even your team rival when he makes a good play.

Never, never talk down your team mates. If you think you have some constructive advice and they are open to it, share it in private. But do not under any circumstances say outloud that you are better and they do not deserve to be there. It is your team and part of your job is to support that team.
(What you think and vent to yourself and trusted family members is another story.....)

The bottom line is are in high school now and the decision about who plays and who does not is totally out of your hands. The coach decides. All you can do is put forth your best effort and let the coach know you are ready to contribute when you are needed.

You are not the first to experience this kind of problem and will not be last. Your attitude and maturity about how you handle the problem can make the situation better or far worse.

And finally, summer ball will be here soon.....

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