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Just wanted to know how many of you are teachers at the school you coach at, the subject you teach and how many of your ballplayers are in your classes. In my area, I am one of the few Frosh coaches who is on staff at my High School (I plan to continue building the program up to Varsity Level).

By the way I teach Junior ROTC at my HS, and almost all of my ballplayers will be in my program next school year. My High School coach was my Drafting Teacher.
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I have been teaching history at my school for the past 9 years (once this school year has completed in two weeks) and head coach for the past 8 years at season's end.

This school year I have had 5 kids on my team (all freshmen since that is the grade level I teach) in my classes. I usually don't have that many of my players in class and to my knowledge there is no reason as to why - just works out that way.
At our school, we have a mix...

-Our head coach teaches PE at the junior high
-Our varsity pitching coach teaches 6th and 7th grade math
-Our varsity assistant is retired and volunteers his time. He taught History I believe before retiring. He was the head coach back in the 1980s.
-Our JV coach works at a quarry
-Our freshmen coach is the CEO of our local electric co-op.
I no longer coach, but I can tell you that being on campus FT is highly preferred to working elsewhere, even though the pay scale is usually a negative.
Being able to communicate with students and teachers about off field issues in a busy, often chaotic HS environment is best done if you're right there among them.
Having players in your class or ROTC program can be a plus, but sometimes you can see too much of your players. Better too much than too little. Wink
Sounds like you're still pretty new to teaching. You've obviously got a lot of passion for it. Feed those kids your passion and they will thrive. I hope you get that varsity job someday soon.

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