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This is just an off-season question with no real significance whatsoever, but just curious if you work out / condition alongside your players? We just started our major off-season conditioning program (MWF and SAT), and I am eating a rather large portion of Fried Quads this morning. I am forcing myself to do everything I am asking them to do. Very difficult as I'm 30+ years older than they are. I am determined, however, to fit into my white uni pants this spring without the beltloops flopping over.
"I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive." Roberto Clemente #21
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I am actually helping my son and a few teammates with their workouts. We are doing strength training and agility and speed training.

I would fall over and die if I did these workouts that I am putting them through.

One funny thing is, I am doing resistance runs with a bungy. So these boys are dragging my big butt up and down the road.

After the first few workouts my quads were so sore I could hardly get out of bed!
Last edited by fsmjunior
Do I work out with my son or players? Does the saying "Man has to know his limitations" ring a bell? A coaching friend also told me you can ruin your playing legacy and credibility in front of your players by embarasssing yourself as opposed to what you used to be able to do.

Two years ago I put on a hitting exhibition in front of my 13U players. The kids still talk about it. When I was done I turned to the other coaches and told them I'd never do that again. The performance could only go down. My cred as a hitting instructor was up.

I remember when I could avoid my son chasing me while running backwards. Now he runs a 6.8 sixty. I think I run a 6.8 thirty. As far as personal time weight and agility training, he'd rather do it with his friends.

The only thing the team and my son experience now from me throwing BP. At least they never say throw harder. I am. My fastball won't be getting any speeding tickets. This is different than when I was a 24 year old coach. When demonstrating the catcher's throw to second I told the pitcher if he didn't move off the mound he would take one between the eyes. They all laughed until he hit the deck. Now I would use the pitcher as the cutoff to second.
Last edited by RJM
A coaching friend also told me you can ruin your playing legacy and credibility in front of your players by embarasssing yourself as opposed to what you used to be able to do.

RJM, I don't know how it happened, or if it could ever happen again, but I was showing the kids how to hang in on a curveball off our pitching machine and, using a 34" Quantum, took two out at about 300' and thought I was done. Asked for just a few more, and the very last one was probably the furthest I've ever hit a ball in my life, at age 47. It was a monster blast - the kind where you hardly feel the contact between bat and ball. My players went wild, half-laughing, half-'oh man!-ing. Their guesstimate of where it landed was about 400'. It left our Army base and landed away up on a piney hill on the Korean National Museum grounds. THEN I was done. If I get another chance, I wanna go for the roof! It's not over 'til I say it's over! Fat lady? Where is she, I need a date! She can sing later!!

I am GOIN' for it! I let myself get chubby when my first son was born, and my wife started running, and she's stll running....Boston and ultras and running and running....while I stayed the chubby one. Now son's in college squatting 300+ # a bunch of times in can I not be motivated by him. He's my hero and I wanna be just like him! I am having a blast with my players....and I think even son #2 (a sophomore) is starting to think dad's actually not such a ham-handed dolt after all Wink

Last edited by Krakatoa

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