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Son heading to a certain city in mid-west this week.  He is interested in a school there and has never been to said city, nor will he most likely get there again any time soon.  So he wanted to set up a meeting with the PC/RC he's been communicating with over the past 12-15months, and take a tour of their facilities, meet him hopefully, or someone from his staff, etc. 

PC/RC communicates back that he is no longer there???  That he is literally on his First Day on job at new school???  Darn!!!  And to add to the misfortune, it is a school son is not interested in.  Good for the coach as I hope he sees this move as a step up, but for son it is at least 1-step backwards, and possibly two? 

And this is not the first school this has happened with in the past 12-18months. HC's and RC's he made inroads with get fired or move on, leaving son in an awkward position.

Then one wonders how the next occupant of the RC/PC position will receive prospect, in this case my son.  Should he advertise his advanced relationship with previous RC/PC or should he act like he never knew the guy???  As in, maybe he was fired for recruiting weak talent; which you might be perceived as being more of??  It makes one wonder?  And not an ideal spot to be in, especially if it is a school player really wants to go to.

I realize this may come under the "Don't try to control what you can't control" category, but I had a minute to throw it out there.

Last edited by #1 Assistant Coach
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Major footnote to be added to this story in my OP is old PC/RC, now at new school, did tell son he would send son one of the other ACs cell #s at the school son will be visiting this week.  24-hours later he did.  So it sounds like he left on good terms and son can transition from one AC to the other.

But this type thing happens all the time, and not everyone is lucky enough to get a transitional "recruiting hand-off" shall we say?  Will let you know if son completes the "hand-off" by connecting with new AC and getting the visit he was hoping for with AC that left and with whom he had made such inroads with.

I've read there were 19 HC job changes in 2015 in D1, and it's up to 25 HCs this summer.  Not my #s, just quoting a source.  Mine can't be only kid dealing with this.

Several other schools he has not had this type of "hand-off" from departing AC to incoming AC, as far as recruiting goes and therefore it's back to Square 1.  Frustrating.

Last edited by #1 Assistant Coach

Good point.  I guess a lot like the sales rep who has schmoozed the gate keeper secretary for years so as to gain access to clients, only to find one day there's a new gate keeper? 

Lucky this time, son did connect with remaining AC via cell phone call.  He is currently in Atlanta (surprise, surprise) but another AC or DofB will be there to meet with son and take on tour of facility and program later this week.

 The school the PC/RC went to was not on son's list, but in all honesty, it may now be solely because this guy did the right thing by handing my son's prospectus off to staff he left behind.  I appreciate that.  Departing RC/PC is a class act on this one, did the right thing for my son. 

I guess some schools players go there to play baseball at for the SCHOOL.  Others you go to because you want to play for a certain COACH no matter what school he is at.  Son may add this never before considered school to his list solely because of this guy's actions throughout this recruiting process.  Class act.

If a college is a top program the coach may have reached his goal. Otherwise, coaches always have the potential to be moving up someplace else. This may be difficult but it's more important to look at the history of the program rather than the coach. It can all change in one short press conference.

Last edited by RJM

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