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This board has had many, many topics about coaches over the years.  This one is no different.  The article I have posted dates back to 1979 when Bill Campbell left his post as the head coach of Columbia Football, with a losing record, as noted.

Yesterday, our dear friend, mentor to our son, and the Godfather to our Grandson passed away.

Every child and every person should have an experience to be "coached" by a true coach.  Since he left football, Bill coached in different ways, in anonymity, until his death allowed this very private person to be recognized by all of those he coached, from the most powerful CEO's like Steve Jobs to an 8th grader playing powder puff football.

The world, through the media, will capture and remember Bill through amazing articles such as this one in the NYT:

Outside of business, this beautiful article captures a coach who coached to win, to demand the best and to reward each player with his investment of emotion and love for them:

It would be foolish for me to think we can all be Bill Campbell as a coach.  That is not the point of this post.  Hopefully, the point which can be taken is we can all be better as coaches and as parents. Hopefully, a secondary part is to appreciate that in 1979, Bill had a "losing" record in terms of W's and L's. Even then and especially since, so many have had W's in their lives even though they were coached by one with an L attached to  college sports.

"Bill was able to do the impossible with these boys — scare them to death and love them to pieces, all at the same moment. The magic that resulted was that each boy wanted to get better, wanted to please him, wanted that bear hug and the tousle on the head, that gravel-voiced reward: "I love ya, kid."

'You don't have to be a great player to play in the major leagues, you've got to be a good one every day.'


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Last edited by infielddad
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Thats a wonderful tribute infielddad - I know he was special to you and your family.

But over the past day or so I have read many...many stories similar to yours from others who have no connection to you.  Some in the media, others friends...One friend on social media who worked in some of Silicon Valley's most famous firms, wrote this about Bill:

A very, very sad day. Easily the best CEO I ever ran across. A non-engineer who knew exactly how to relate to engineers. Actually, he related to everyone. You'll be missed, Bill.

Still others wrote, "I am paralyzed" and "I'm so sad to hear this! Bill was an amazing force of nature, and there will never be another like him."

Our country and our world lost one of the best we've had in our generation.  RIP Bill Campbell - you made an impact unsurpassed by nearly everyone.

Last edited by justbaseball

PG, the Campbell brothers lived incredibly, and powerfully.  Bill's brother Jim, was the first first Top Gun.  He saved lives on the Forrestal fire during the Viet Nam war...he was a fighter pilot on the carrier. He was the last 3 sport athlete at the US Naval Academy, was Roger Staubach's lonesome end and a Big East selection in football, and an All American selection in Lacrosse.

Bill was in awe of Jim. Jim was in awe of Bill. Most of the rest of us were in awe of both of them.  Neither felt they did very much other than what they should do.

In my view, each, as justbaseball indicated, were the very best our generation.

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