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I’ve had a number of people ask me who will be at my showcase camps, so here’s the information for June 25 at Eastfield College:

Derek Matlock – Texas State,
Mike Martin – Eastfield
Bobby Garza – Northwood University, and
Brandon Rains – UTD.

This high schoolers' camp is limited to 44 participants. It starts at 10:00 with a pro-style tryout, has 2 instructional segments, a little mental skills training, and a controlled scrimmage, and will end by 5:00. You can register or get more information at Every camper will get written objective and subjective feedback.

Have a great day.

Enjoy your job. Know your job. Do your job!

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I see nothing wrong with Coach T's post. I find it no different than Metro scout league posting information, Dallas Cubs posting tryouts information, or anyone else trying to give out information. Like we have never seen a bat company advertise their website or other sports company hoc-ing thier goods. Have you become the censorship monitor and you don't like it so remove it. I say if you don't like it, don't read it.
Last edited by Ed Sir
Free advertising for websites and businesses is discouraged for obvious reasons -- see the topic on the cost of running this site. But I agree that this is like many of the other topics involving opportunities for area kids --- whether it be tryouts (free or otherwise), showcases, etc. There is however a topic dedicated to the subject -- pinned to the top of the list. It would be best if everyone used that area.

Promoting websites, goods and services, etc. for free will continue to be monitored as best we can. Sometimes it's a fine line. And remember, the moderator's paychecks ain't that grand. Cool The ads you see on the site are not free.
Last edited by Panther Dad
I was a bit annoyed and wrote most of this, then my wife decided to go ahead and give birth yesterday to Ariel and Carissa (both fine so far, in NICU - 9.5 wks early - prayers appreciated).

This site is supposed to promote hs baseball, and my business is supposed to promote hs baseball. Why wouldn’t I use this site to share information (advertise) about opportunities I’m working hard to provide? You tell me, Newscout, is there another one-day camp out there that will give each high school baseball player a pro-style tryout, a max 9-1 camper-coach ratio, mental skills training, hitting instruction, primary position instruction, a scrimmage with a guarantee of 2ABs for each hitter and 5 BF for each pitcher, and written objective and subjective feedback? And do it in front of a DI, NAIA, DIII, and JuCo coach, each from successful programs where I would be comfortable sending my son… for the low price I'm charging???

My job is to add value to people’s sport experience. Sometimes I get paid for that. Is that a bad thing? Obviously, I don’t think so. If you do, then don’t go to my camps. If you don’t like my posts, please don’t read them! I’m so confident that there are parents out there that want this information, will attend camp, and be glad that they did that I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on this camp and every event I ever do.
Coach, Prayers go out you and Mrs. Traub for both Ariel and Carissa. Hopefully you will bringing them to the ball park very soon.

I just wanted to add, my older son played for coach in college and my younger son attended his camp last year, both experiences were very positive. There are very few people I have met in baseball that put more time or effort into what they do to support player development in the Metroplex.
Last edited by reggie-3-77
Last Fall my son's HS baseball team held an on-campus mental skills classroom session with Coach T (parents and family members were encouraged to attend.) We all found it helpful, insightful, and entertaining.

He seems to be a genuine baseball guy trying to promote player skills development. What is so wrong with him posting here in an efort to make a buck doing what he loves with honesty and integrity?

I understand there are rules, but hey, we've all been beaten down with P1's constant recruiting barrage (no offense P1) for his son's "paid" club team. Coach T has been a positive contributor and yes self-promoter, but goodness it's not like he's selling Cr*ck.

Oh and by the way, Newscout, if you are so concerned about he efficacy of the site, hope to see your donation come across soon!
Last edited by Cobra21
Thanks to all. Ariel and Carissa are doing well so far, infection free and growing. After losing weight initially (normal), they're both over 3 pounds today. Nicole, my wife, is home and recovering nicely. The girls have many tubes and did the anti-jaundice light for a few days, but the NICU staff is fantastic. Still, we can't wait to get them home.

Congrats on the birth of your twins and I will be praying that they are home soon with you and your wife.

On a side note, CoachTraub is one of the nicest, most genuine guys you will meet. He loves the game, he knows the game and he will help boys that want to play past baseball find the "way" to continue the game. If you get a chance to attend his seminar, as a parent, you will come out of it with as much or more as your son does. He is one of the "good" guys in this game.
Coach Traub is the reason that my high school team was ranked as high as 4th in the state in 4A at one point, if you aspire to be a ballplayer at the high school level or beyond, I would seriously consider sending them to a Coach Traub-ran-camp. It was one of the most helpful experiences that I have been apart of. The walk through the mental approach of the game is something that I had never heard before, "grip it and rip it baby" used to be my thoughts stepping into the box. NO. Coach Traub has great stories/advice for every position you can get yourself into out on the field. THANK YOU COACH TRAUB, YOU TRULY MADE A DIFFERENCE IN MY PERFORMANCE THIS PAST YEAR! And good luck with the young-ens.
Wow, Dawg10... Thanks. I'm so glad I could help, but I was clearly not the reason for your success, or your team's. I provide ideas, and information isn't power, information combined with action is power. Obviously, you made adjustments and took actions that enhanced your performance, and you deserve all the credit for that.

My wife loves this thread of course. She's doing great, and said this last post sounded fake...too good to be true. I have no clue who Dawg10 is (I hope you'll PM me, because I'm certainly curious). I had the pleasure of working closely with two elite 4A teams this year. All credit for their success goes to their coaches for all their work (and wanting a small assist from me), and of course to the players.

By the way, my next showcase camp is coming up: July 16 at Northwood University, with Head Coaches from Northwood and Eastfield, and recruiting coordinators from UTD and Central Arkansas. I am also opening up my softball mental skills training camp to baseball players.

Thanks, everyone. Have a wonderful day - I will because I get to go back to the hospital and see those angels. Twice. They're healthy and growing!

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