My hs senior was appalled tonight that we're not going to give him a gas card for college, but instead give him a set allowance and force him to budget his money. He said the parents of "all" of his friends pay their sons' gas credit card bills. Well, too bad.
At this point, we are planning to give him $200/mo and his grandparents will give him an additional $100/mo. We will give him additional money for occasional trips home (a 5-hour drive) and for wardrobe items necessitated by growing taller or (hopefully) growing bigger! He will live on campus and will have a full meal plan, so he will have just a few mandatory expenses for laundry, toiletries, school supplies (not books), etc. All the rest is gravy for gas, eating out, shopping, etc.
Are we way off base on this? I'm curious to know what some of the college parents give to their kids who live on campus. I'm sure there is a range, but would love it hear from all angles. I am already planning our budget.
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