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Does anyone subscribe to a sports package on Direct TV that shows a lot of College Baseball and if so, what schools? There are a lot of stations ..Sunshine, Yes and a few others.....does anyone know much about it? I think it is very good for High School Players to watch it.
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Just last spring I signed up for all the sports stations on DirecTv including FOX, Comcast, Sunshine, etc. and saw quite a bit of baseball. Saw the big schools i.e. Texas, ASU, AZ, CSF, Nebraska, Fla, etc.. Also saw smaller schools where you can see people sitting in their lawn chairs on the side. Was great. Even saw some NCAA Woman's softball which was pretty good, never had watched any before. Looking forward to the new season. Costs $12.00 month for this package.
I thought this was a High School forum? Why are we talking about College Baseball? Isn't there websites for that?......Kinda sound familiar?... Like when the Travel Ball topic came up......Not trying to start anything, just trying to point out the similarities. One is pre High School and the other is post High School. Both "worthy" topics!..... lightbul
Originally posted by soxnole:

College baseball is what most of these kids are aspiring to play some day.

Please read through the various forums and you'll see there is as much interest in one as the other.

ABSOLUTELY! You are either missing my point, or just trying to go around it. Travel Ball is or has been a huge part of MOST of these players on here. The fact that WE come on here NOT talking specifically about High School Baseball should not be a good enough reason to discourage US from posting. Just don't read it, simple as that. My younger son has not seen 1 inning of High School Baseball, he has not had one supervised workout with the High School team. How can we be expected to talk about it, post about it, when it hasn't happened yet. I know Bob initially set this site up for High School Baseball but Travel Ball as well as certainly College Ball should not be discouraged. Sometimes change is inevitable, even Perfect Game has "branched out" and is now holding metal bat events, that were unheard of a few years ago. I do agree, the Travel Ball topics have turned into a "bragging grounds" for many but it really is no different than somebody pumping up their local High School team or giving their own top 10 lists, etc....
Travel Ball is probably MORE important than HS's that for a statement?

We need to live and let live!

If a hi-jacker comes with him.

College and pro-ball is the goal.

It's all very interesting and we should shut NO ONE out.

Imo, it's the personal attacks that should be condemned, not the baseball subject matter.
Originally posted by soxnole:
Travel Ball is probably MORE important than HS's that for a statement?

We need to live and let live!

If a hi-jacker comes with him.

College and pro-ball is the goal.

It's all very interesting and we should shut NO ONE out.

Imo, it's the personal attacks that should be condemned, not the baseball subject matter.

AGREED!......To add to that, College Baseball is the TOP Priority! But ALL three go hand in hand in order to get there.......
Hi-jackers on the HSBBW! What’s next terrorists? nervous

IMHO this site has always been intended to discuss the high school baseball experience, not just about playing on a high school baseball team. That includes travel and house league experiences before and during high school. Youth travel baseball prepares these kids to compete and play high school BB. HS travel BB prepares these young men to play HSBB and gives them exposure for the next level.

Regarding personal attacks (terrorists); Great minds discuss ideas, small minds discuss personalities.

Sorry, but I've got to disagree on one point. Your priority and focus has obviously changed now that Rauiri is living and playing the dream at FSU. I hope you know that 99% of us are just thrilled for you and the whole family.

That being said, when this site promoted what Bob envisioned, when Rauiri was a freshman at OPRF, this website was not under the threat of hijack or takeover. Well, during this offseason that is what occured. The regular posters just disappeared as people just got fed up with the constant stream of pre-HS All- Americans, MLB type game summaries and more. We know that the top HS players probably need to play high level summer travel to maximize their game and exposure. The only problem here was the volume and depth of the material.

Texas losing 3 of 3 to San Diego first weekend out, Cal State Fullerton being swept by the Cardinal, wow, what a beginning.
Last edited by itsrosy
I think Rosy pretty much said it all. There really isn't that much disagreement between the posters. We all know that Travel, HS and College will be and should be talked about here. Even gluttons for punishment like me talk about ML Baseball. bear3a It wasn't fun and interesting to read *** every day tell us about the Seminoles and Travel Select Baseball or whatever it was. Rosy is right...when it started a lot of people disappeared into the woodwork.
Last edited by FastballDad

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