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My son, who is 2018 pitcher has been getting a lot of recent attention. He has been asked to fill out forms for area scouts and numerous colleges are calling his coaches asking them to have my son contact them. Several have requested his transcripts and many are having him call them and update them on a regular basis. I know he will be seen by the colleges during the summer travel season. Will he potentially be seen by them during the HS season? A couple of the schools that have reached out are local but the vast majority are out of state. So I am wondering whether things slow down during HS ball and then  pick up again during the summer or if the current level of activity will continue thru the spring 

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I've read on here that for a high school game to be well attended by scouts, there needs to be a handful of prospects between the teams.  Gets especially difficult for a college to drop by a watch a pitcher as schedules for that coach and the kid's pitching schedule oftentimes may not mesh.  Much easier to come see some infielder or catcher that will be playing every game.  If your son's team has any other prospects, it may be wise to get a feel for when/if coaches may show up for those kids (especially if your son happens to be pitching that game).  Saw that you were in the Portland area - I assume you have a good feel for how many are in the area and how many of your target schools may be "too far" to simply drop in.

That said, kids should always assume someone is watching them and perform to their peak.  Some team's coach may be playing an away game in the area and simply drop in unannounced if their series wraps up early.

The past two HS seasons we had two top rated (for our area) Jrs who eventually committed D1 as our number 1 & 2 pitchers on our team.  Both seasons we had college coaches attend several games towards the end of our season.  In both cases the coaches were there because the player/family was proactive, in contact with the schools and had shared our schedule and their scheduled starts with the school.  Some of these schools were out of state - but most were northeast schools and within driving distance.  


A lot depends on where you live. I recently had the chance to have a few college RC's and HC's address this very issue. Basically, they said that, when the schedule allowed, they would get out to a game or two, but only locally. So, if you are near a college, they might. Our situation is the best example of a kid that won't see any coaches at his games. We are out in the sticks, a good 5 hour drive from the closest D1 with a baseball program and 2 hours from the closest D2.

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