I'm going thru withdrawals bad!! Not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but my son did not play over the summer. Opted to condition, work a job and took lessons to tighten up mechanics. Last time I saw him pitch was in May during the D2 regionals. He's told me he's done some bullpens and a couple of live BPs, but I'm looking forward to going down to watch a couple of inter squads.
My son is very critical of himself. Most of the time when I ask him how something went, his response is "it went ok". When I ask him why it wasn't good, he will say something along the lines of "I was spotting my fastball, but was leaving my off speed up a little". Or "My off speed was good, but I couldn't hit my spot with the fastball". This is usually done thru texts, unless I call him to clarify what he meant. After his last live BP pitching, he actually called me to say that he threw and threw well. If he says that, it must have been really good, because he never says that!! He also said he threw around 50 pitches and felt great. Didn't get tired or sore. He sounded pretty excited.
Really can't wait to take the drive to watch him throw a little, then take him out to dinner.