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Finally news from son. First found out as D1, they cannot scrimmage other D1's, (not sure about anyone else), so his coaches choose to do intersquad only. They do it a little different I guess in that do somthing like 4 pitchers 2 innings each every whatever the rotation is (My son has no idea how this is going to work). So in other words, a 4 inning "game". first ones were last Thursday - Saturday. He pitched Friday. ( I found out Saturday of course when he told me). He said first batter ripped a single to left, then he got next 6 out, no one hitting it hard.


He said that they were only allowed to throw fastballs and changeup this time so hitters could get used to live pitching as well.


Lastly he told me he is listed as of now as a starter along with 4 others. He was most excited about that because now his daily routine changes based off that and that means lifting has changed from 6am to afternoons


He, also, said no one watches, it is just practice so I guess I will have to wait to see him pitch.

Last edited by chefmike7777

Jeaolous of those of you that can go watch their kids play.  Mine is 1,000 miles from home and the weekend we picked to go visit he has no games.  


He did call after his 1st scrimmage on Saturday and talked to his mom.  He was very happy said he went 1-2 with an RBI at the plate and said no passed balls behind the dish and the coaches told him they liked the way he called the game.  


Proud that he's doing well on and off the field.

Originally Posted by old Taft Tiger:

Got a phone call from son Thurs. He said he had good news for me & I assumed he was going to say he was feeling better after battling an upper respiratory infection all week. NO no no his good news was that he had locked his truck keys in the truck & it was parked at a metered space downtown. He had contacted both campus & local police depts. but they said they didn't unlock vehicles. Sooo the wife & I grabbed a spare set of keys we had and drove 2hrs. to unlock his truck. By the way fall ball is going very well with the team showing a lot of talent & giving all of us parents high hopes for a successful season. GOOD LUCK to ALL.

Boy, this had me laughing for a while. 


My wife and I live overseas and when my Son calls, it's great news or drama.  He had texted (FB Messenger) earlier today that he hit 3 bombs during BP and felt "dialed in".  An hour later the wife's cell starts ringing (via magic jack) and we think the Rangers are ready to sign.  Really just expecting more good stuff.  No, he lost his retainer and was pinging about it.........geeeeezz!!!!!!

Last edited by 13LHPdad

Alumni / parents welcome last Friday. They had thier first in many many years alumni game.  Son got to pitch 3 innings. It was really good to see him on the mound. He threw well, about same MPH as I saw over the summer. He has been really working on his change up, he hasn't thrown maybe 10 in 2 years while in HS and summer ball, coaches wouldn't call it. His college coach had told  him he needs to work on it. He threw it really well last Friday about 6-8 times, late drop straight down. He did have a GB back to him and he threw it into CF. His coach told me after game Jeremy told him "the SS was covered by the 2B but the CF was wide open deep", coach was cracking up. Glad he laughed, doubt he would if it was a real game   

Hi there

I'm an English teacher in the South of France. 

Our students (14 years old) will work on baseball in America this year to discover the history of the sport, the rules, players and so on. 

I'm looking for teachers or teens to work with us via e mails, letters to talk about baseball.

The objective for our students is to talk and write in English about baseball. 

May you help me? 

Thanks in advance for your answers (if you are interested contact me!)


My son had a great summer season in the chicago area metro league.the metro league consists of about ten teams whose players come home for the summer looking to play some ball.My son was lucky enough to have a good showing in the all star game and was invited to the johnstown tournament in Pennsylvania to compete against other national teams.

closing the game against the hometown crowd of 4000 people was his best baseball experience ever..



My son's team began their Fall scrimmages last week and I drove out and attended Friday's intra-squad game.  I'm fortunate that he's relatively close and I have the flexibility in my business to leave the office early and watch.  I can tell you that my perspective as a parent has changed from three years ago.  Yes, I still break down his mechanics and body language while he's on the mound, but I'm also witnessing a young man mature before my eyes.

As for his two innings on the bump...he gave up a few hits and a run, but pounded the strike zone, had good cut on his fastball, and nice bite with good arm speed on his change-up (no breaking balls).

The team lost their Friday & Sunday starter, LHP set-up man, and starting 3B, SS, and 1B to the draft from last season's CWS team.  Plenty of holes to fill, but good programs find a way to do that, right?  Well, they have a little less than four months before they open up against PICKED OFF's team Valentines weekend....should be fun.

Bsbl247, you said something that I'm seeing as well. He's growing up as a person and a pitcher. My son has had a little bit of an up & down fall. However, I went to watch him a week or so ago in an inter squad and he and the catcher were calling their own game. Goes 3-0 on one of our better hitters. Shakes off the catcher like 3 or 4 times - and what does he throw?  A curveball for a strike. Next pitch? Change up for a strike. Then another change for an out. I just thought that was pretty cool that he goes 3-0 and comes back with off speed. Pretty gutsy. Still loving being able to watch the kid play.
Originally Posted by bsbl247:

My son's team began their Fall scrimmages last week and I drove out and attended Friday's intra-squad game.  I'm fortunate that he's relatively close and I have the flexibility in my business to leave the office early and watch.  I can tell you that my perspective as a parent has changed from three years ago.  Yes, I still break down his mechanics and body language while he's on the mound, but I'm also witnessing a young man mature before my eyes.

As for his two innings on the bump...he gave up a few hits and a run, but pounded the strike zone, had good cut on his fastball, and nice bite with good arm speed on his change-up (no breaking balls).

The team lost their Friday & Sunday starter, LHP set-up man, and starting 3B, SS, and 1B to the draft from last season's CWS team.  Plenty of holes to fill, but good programs find a way to do that, right?  Well, they have a little less than four months before they open up against PICKED OFF's team Valentines weekend....should be fun.

24 7,

Glad you got to see him pitch. Can't wait for opening weekend, hopefully I won't be as stressed out as last year. I have not gotten out to see PO jr pitch yet but I have gotten a few reviews. He seems to be much more critical of himself. Freshman year he didn't really know what to expect. In the end he was thrilled to get 20 innings as a freshman. Now he wants more and at times I think he's pressing. He had a bad outing two weeks ago and was crushed. I told him dont worry, everybody's baseball career ends at some point. That ticked off my wife, but maybe motivated him. Then last week threw 3 shutout innings, 3hits, no walks and 2k's. Sunday he texted me that coach called his number with bases loaded, 1 out and he came in and sat down the next 2 batters. What a roller coaster. Sometimes it's hard to just sit back and let them figure it. See you in February!

Can't believe that it is the Sr year for both 24-7 and my son. Seems like it was yesterday we were in Arizona talking about where our son's would end up. How time fly's - amazing, hoping 24-7 Jr has a great year this year. The BigWest is pretty stacked again. UCI had a pretty exciting run at it last year, hoping they can repeat the magic. 


Jr has gone full time pitcher and keeps telling me how much time he has on his hands, with a lower stress class schedule and as a PO. It is funny how our conversations have changed over the years, from wanting to hear everything as a freshmen to now, where we hardly ever talk about the team, only a bit about his bullpens. Last week, he threw at their scout day in front of over 30 MLB scouts, when I asked how he did he said "good my arm was a bit heavy and they had me at 89-91 which is about right". I will get to see him in Oklahoma in a few weeks for a scrimmage against OU and the following week for their Fall World Series. If there are any HSBBW OU families here I will track you down and say hi. After this we are off to the holiday, and Winter is Coming!



D3 Life.  Outdoor fall season came to an end last weekend.  We went up to watch intersquad.  The boy did fine and really looks like he belongs.  Looks like he will probably be a bench player as a freshman.  However, there were about 50 or so kids out there (5-10 obviously didn't belong) and a few more busy playing football and hockey.  They don't cut the final roster until February.  I thought his month-long tryouts in HS were bad, but 5 months is killer.  Still averaging about 4-5 hours of sleep a night with physics, calculus, engineering, and european history.  I son't know what he was thinking with 3 of 4 classes having Labs.  I think he's jealous of the UNC African Studies majors right about now.  He just wants to come home and sleep in his own bed for a weekend, but won't be able to until Thanksgiving.

Congrats to your son HVbbDAD, he is making one heck of a tough transition and sounds like he is managing. I really don't know how these kids do it when they are getting 5 hours of sleep, working out, practicing, and keep their grades up (hopefully). Throw in a little fun time and girls and you have system overload .


Most engineering programs have set a sequence  as far as classes to take, which include labs, so he likely did not have a choice. The first two years are really a grind and then it eases up a bit the last two. Some kids can not keep up and have to go to the 5 year plan to get it done, so if he is really struggling this is something to discuss. I know my son has a few friends that are going this way and it really reduced the pressure on the kid. 


Good luck and looking forward to hear how he does in the season. 

Last edited by BOF

Son finally finished fall ball last week with fall world series.  His team won so they get to go to coaches house for dinner.  Then today he calls his mom and tells her that they are having a second round of cuts but coach told him that he made it.  Whew what a roller coaster being 1,000 miles away.  Can't wait to see him in a week for a few days!  

Congrats Dave and 2014 to both your sons. I can only imagine how proud and relieved your sons are. Getting to campus is just the beginning of the journey. I read these posts with interest as my son will be in the same position a year from now. It has to be a BIG eye opening experience when you are used to being one of, if not the, studs on your team to fighting for a roster spot. I'm sure that puts a little pressure on the psyche. When you add the scholastic responsibilities on top of that, I can see why so many struggle. Again, congrats to your sons and your families.

The roller coaster sure has a lot of twists and turns.  Yesterday son was informed that he was being let go.  Apparently he has been having arm issues and has tried to play thru them but can't anymore.  He's been seeing the trainers for a month and nothing is getting better.  Now he says he can't throw a ball.  We have an appointment his orthopedic surgeon who operated on his elbow (not Tommy John) three years ago on Wednesday.  


He's made up his mind to transfer as he never really fit in with the school in the first place.  I'm trying to stay strong for him but this really sucks.  As parents we protect our kids for years and in this case there is nothing I can do to make it better.


I believe that everything happens for a reason and as painful as this is for him he will be a better person because of it.  His goal has always to coach baseball at the college level and he can still do that.

Originally Posted by daveccpa:

The roller coaster sure has a lot of twists and turns.  Yesterday son was informed that he was being let go.  Apparently he has been having arm issues and has tried to play thru them but can't anymore.  He's been seeing the trainers for a month and nothing is getting better.  Now he says he can't throw a ball.  We have an appointment his orthopedic surgeon who operated on his elbow (not Tommy John) three years ago on Wednesday.  


He's made up his mind to transfer as he never really fit in with the school in the first place.  I'm trying to stay strong for him but this really sucks.  As parents we protect our kids for years and in this case there is nothing I can do to make it better.


I believe that everything happens for a reason and as painful as this is for him he will be a better person because of it.  His goal has always to coach baseball at the college level and he can still do that.

So sorry to hear the news. Did they say it was because of his injury or performance. Any school worth it's weight would redshirt an injured player. 

This parent of a college baseball player certainly can suck. All you can do now is get him healthy. Keep him positive and show the love and support he needs. Best of luck to him. Try to keep us up to speed on progress. 

Wow Dave. That is crappy news, especially since your son was told a week or so ago that he had made the second round of cuts. Did the same coach cut him?  I know this is a cut throat business but that seems very underhanded. I wish your son a speedy recover and hope his future plans work out. What doesn't kill us will make us stronger.



My thoughts go out to you.  It is a double whammy-baseball and health.  Hopefully he can get right and transfer closer to home.  Here is the D3 point of view.  Fall Ball has ended. The boy di very well.  However, no cuts are made at the boy's school until February.  There are still 50 or so vying for 28 spots - including 17 other Freshman.  Talk about brutal - a 5 month tryout.  He went in saying how nice all the upperclass guys on the team were the first few weeks.  I warned him that they may not be so nice if they see you have a shot at taking their spot.  It started to get real cutthroat toward the end.  We will see what the winter brings.



Sorry to hear the news. Your son should be congratulated for following through and competing until he no longer could.  Very few college baseball players go through 4 years without some injury.  Trust me, I know how tough it is.   I wish your son well in his diagnosis and recovery.




Good luck!  Sounds like he needs a break.  If he is like most freshmen coming home for Thanksgiving, he'll be a chatter box with all the things he learned and experienced at college.  At least that was our experience.  My oldest son isn't much of a talker, but he couldn't stop talking at Thanksgiving with the extended family.  Enjoy and please keep us updated. 



I'm sorry to hear about your son's plight.Hopefully, he can recover from his injury and get another chance to play.It's obvious he loves the game and I'm sure that another door in baseball will open for him if his playing career is in fact over.


Our sons were teammates on Team Columbia at The Stanford Future Stars Camp a few summers ago.


Good luck to your son !

Originally Posted by bobbyaguho:



I'm sorry to hear about your son's plight.Hopefully, he can recover from his injury and get another chance to play.It's obvious he loves the game and I'm sure that another door in baseball will open for him if his playing career is in fact over.


Our sons were teammates on Team Columbia at The Stanford Future Stars Camp a few summers ago.


Good luck to your son !

 Thanks Bobby, he's a great kid and student and loves the game of baseball more than anything.  He went to the Dr. this AM and will for sure have to have surgery to move the nerve in his elbow but has something else going on with a joint.  MRI later today to see what that is.  He is pretty down right now because the Dr. told him he may not be able to play again depending on the joint issue.  Hoping for the best for him.

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