tres_arbolitos has been on campus at his big conference school since Mid-August. He's taken an early-Fall Start class (they're on quarters), lifted regularly with the baseball S&C coach, and been hitting on field with the few of his entering classmates that are also on campus early.
After the end of EFS, with about a nine day gap between then and the beginning of Fall quarter, the baseball team reported, got their SID stuff handled, got their long-term lockers and kit, and started unofficial Fall activities. Averaging 12 hours a day of team meals, meetings (2x daily), "individuals" hitting on field, captains' practices, and team structured S&C.
Since he's at school in town, about 10 minutes from my office, I had a chance to drop him some Fall clothes and some computer stuff yesterday. He seemed so much bigger and older in just five weeks, I was astonished. After we hugged it out and said goodbye, he flipped me his first team issue hat (it's too big anyways). Oh man the eyes burned hard for a few seconds and it took a lot of strength not to show it too much! He's as busy as he's ever been but flourishing in this pro-learning, pro-development environment. I couldn't be happier for him.