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I know this has nothing to do with baseball however I was channel surfing tonight and ran across collegiate fishing on the Fox College Sports Network.

I had no idea they had college fishing teams, is this a scholarship sport? If so I think I have some eligibility left. Where do I sign up!

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How would a fishing team compete for the national title? You've got your Musky-based teams up in the north woods, your Striper-based teams in the ACC region, and you've got your Tarpon-based teams down in the Keys.....those would all have to be considered DI programs. Your Steelhead programs would probably have it the toughest, what with the weather and all.......
Originally posted by jerseydad:
Originally posted by CPLZ:
I do believe that the big 10 has all their schools represented.

Ya but I heard the Northern schools were going to pull out of the championships unless the southern schools agreed to not start fishing until the ice melted up north.

If you push the season back to far, you might get wet.

OK you've lured me in. I was a boat to go to bed and tried to tuna y'all out but can't. After reading this from my mates I know some of you are in seine. I can understand some people posting goofey things but real minnow supposed to be above all this. This is nothing more than pure albaloney. You are a reel cast of characters. To net it out I flounder on the deck over your remarks. I normally would get stern with you but you really keel me. You might say this is a real all starboard. --- yep that's right! Port is left! Big Grin
Last edited by Fungo
All of these fishing terms (puns) got me to wondering, so I had to look up the true meanings:

(1) A curved piece of metal used to catch fish.
(2) A clever advertisement to entice a fisherman to spend his live savings on a new rod and reel.
(3) The punch administered by said fisherman's wife after he spends their life savings (see also, Right Hook, Left Hook).

Something you give your coworkers when they ask on Monday how your fishing went the past weekend.

An object that is semi-enticing to fish, but will drive an angler into such a frenzy that he will charge his credit card to the limit before exiting the tackle shop.

A weighted object that causes a rod to sink quickly when dropped overboard.

An attractively painted length of fiberglass that keeps an angler from ever getting too close to a fish.
Last edited by MN-Mom

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