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I am just seeing what options one of my kids has this year.

The player did not play last year (his junior year) due to some conflicts. He was the starting varsity SS and #1 RHP as a freshman and sophomore. This includes being All-Conference as a sophomore (Upstate 8 as a SS). He is a legit prospect who is on lots of lists.

Last season MLB scouts came looking for him in March and April and ended up finding Carlos Rivera (Cubs in 47th round) who was our CF for 4 years.

Will D1 schools stay away from this kid? Is he better of going the junior college route? Is there a possibility he kicks but this spring and may get signed in the spring?

I am speaking of Victor Rodriguez, East Aurora shortstop/RHP who is consistently 84-85 on Jugs last winter at the EIU winter camp.

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Baseball3450, yours is a complicated post to respond to, but lets give it a start.

Being recruited depends on being seen by colleges.

Did your guy play travel last summer? If so, ask that Coach to lend a hand.

Is he planning on going back to his high school team this spring? This move would be helpful as plenty of boys still sign during that season.

Has he gone to showcases or any college camps? If not, it is time to get moving in this area now.

Best of Luck Razz
I have no idea what the "conflicts" you speak of where and it is none of my business---if I were a college coach though I would be concerned until I got all the facts

Your two posts though strike a funny chord with me---why mention the other players?--the bit about "super nice kid" is also troublesome to me
Your posts sound like the player might be having a tough time academically. JUCO can be a good option in that case. Not every kid who graduates high school is going to be an A student----and not every C student is just lazy! Personally I applaud the C students who might struggle in college but are determined to get a degree no matter what it takes. My sister is a professor at a community college, and from her reports, most junior colleges and community colleges expect that some incoming freshmen will be not-quite-ready for college and need help with transition from HS.
Baseball - this sounds like a great JC player that could prosper in to more. He is in a great position being in Illinois because this is JC country! I would look at planning on JC and if something comes across for D1 ... re-evaluate. JC is a great place for guys to fill out in the body and grow from an academic and athletic stand point. There are some great options out there.

Originally posted by RRF8:
Are there any other rules that a prospective D1 player should be aware of?

Minimum scholarship is 25%, but that money can be blended with academic scholarship money to come up with the 25% total, if the student meets one of the following academic qualifications...

scores a composite 105 on ACT,
OR is in the top 10% of his class
OR 1200 SAT
OR minimum 3.5 GPA in core courses

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