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My son has started to receive some questionnaires for a few colleges.  I am wondering how import sending these back really is.  If we send them in now, the information will be out of date within six months:  GPA, he has not even received a report card.  Other schools he may be interested.  He is just starting to even think about this.


but at the same time.  The sooner he starts a dialog, the more of a known entity he will be in two years.   So, what would YOU do?



Original Post

I would fill out the ones for the schools that are interesting to him (and you) and just leave it at that.  You'll probably get another one in 6 months or a year...fill them out again.


I know there are others that may feel differently, but at this point, I wouldn't make too big of a deal about this with my son...or teammates...or neighbors.  Its early.  I'd want my son to stay focused on school and getting better as an athlete...which may include other sports.


Thats pretty much what we did with 2 sons and I like the results in the rearview mirror.

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