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Forgive me for starting this thread regarding College baseball on our HS site. I don't imagine this thread will be very active but here goes. If it offends our hard core HS posters, I apologize in advance.

What's with all of the different polls and rankings out there. There's USA Today, Baseball America, Collegiate Baseball and at least one more. Unlike the different polls in college basketball and football, the polls are almost identical week after week. Not with baseball. What gives? I think there are at least 4 different #1 teams this week.

Also, Baseball America's new list has me puzzled as well. Cal State Fullerton was 0-3 this past weekend and fell in their rankings from 7 to 13. U of Miami was also 0-3 and went from 11th to unranked. On the HS side, Seton Hall Prep is the nations #1 ranked school and they haven't played a game as yet. But there are some teams ranked much lower with records like 11-1, 8-0 etc. I know SHP is a powerhouse but ranking them first 4 weeks in a row without playing a game makes me think they're off the charts talented.

I certainly understand the subjective nature of rankings and am not criticizing anyone or anything out there. As far as I'm concerned, they're all great.

Soxnole, how about some answers, please.
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I'm not rating the rankings. I'm only asking why all the differences between them and if some are more credible than others. Beenthere helped with some good info.

Been, Is the National Collegiate Baseball Writers/Coaches different than the newpaper I subscibe to; Collegiate Baseball- "started in 1958 at the Request of our Nation's Baseball coaches". BTW, I think this is a great publication, JMO.
Different organization.

Collegiate Baseball is about 2 weeks behind the times when it sends out its when you get the magazine, likely 3 weeks behind.

Sort of a "feel good" kind of magazine where a coach can get anything published about a player as long as it doesn't contain foul language. Have great rates for a coach to order about 15-20 copies for an entire team, too.

Been around a long time...I still have my 1966 issue where I was mentioned in an article. Same page, different location, commented about Reggie Jackson at ASU.

Ranking the Poll's....

1)Collegiate baseball
Their D1 baseball on-line staff is larger than BA and they are concerned with colleges only.
2)ESPN Coaches Poll
Just like football, someone in each D1 baseball office votes.
3)Baseball America
In the past they have put a lot less time and energy into the D1 poll. They are better this year but like all of these polls except Collegiate Baseball they have some west coast bias. (Cal State VS Miami this week)
4)National Collegiate Baseball Writers. Less bias but no coaches.

By the way rosy, the Noles are 2,3,4 and 4 respectively! 20-0 baby!
OK, that's what I was looking for. Thank you Sox. Yes, those undefeated 'Noles haven't escaped my attention. I couldn't find them on the internet this weekend so I watched some of VT vs GT. I'm always looking for Ruairi and continued success for your son and your team.

What's with your second favorite team, those Fla. Gators? I think they're either one game over or one game under .500. But I guess it won't matter come tournament time, they invite all of those schools to the dance, don't they?
OK, that's what I was looking for. Thank you Sox. Yes, those undefeated 'Noles haven't escaped my attention. I couldn't find them on the internet this weekend so I watched some of VT vs GT. I'm always looking for Ruairi and continued success for your son and your team.

Excuse the intrusion, but I got to watch them Saturday. Ruairi had a couple good hits, BB and lined out to CF. Good looking ballplayer you got there sox.

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