Just talked to son about ROI related stuff. He's a first year at a private equity firm getting meaningful playing time but not starting. It's okay with him cuz 1) he says he's still learning how to hit the breaking ball but 2) there are enough pitches in his wheel house to keep him on the team.
He's not sure how much his college name mattered in his first round of interviews but he admits it didn't hurt. After getting the interview, though, he said his offers (a few) came from places where he meshed really well with the interviewer. Duh. He said it helped that he played ball because his best interviews were with men and women who also played some kind of sport.
And has been mentioned on this site many times, it's how he does in this position that will open any future employment doors. One avenue is business school. With the right references for a top b-school, the pay bump afterwards will be worth huge up front costs. However, if he can't get in to one of those it might be better for him to stick it out with his current firm and work his way up (if they still like him, which he thinks they do, for the time being anyway).
I have no idea where this kid came from. His mom and I plan ahead 5 minutes at a time. Is his far-sightedness a rejection of our family's traditions? Or is he an alien lectroid from Planet 10, evil, pure and simple?