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Son is high school sr 2008. He is all district and all East Texas baseball. He is also an allstate band member. The music side is generating a lot of interst and will probably pay his way. The big lefthand pitcher/firstbase would also like to continue baseball along with the music. There are sure to be some time conflicts trying to do both. Any ideas on how to approach college coaches? Thank you.
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My lefty son is a high school 2010 student and plays band also. I would like to hear any input from this forum about Coftex's son and my son conflicts trying to do both and any ideas on how to approach college coaches.

My son is very good in math and wants to become an engineer after college. How is the baseball program for Purdue, MIT and Duke or other engineer colleges?

Last edited by Southlakedad
I would never suggest that you not attempt both BUT
I would suggest that it will be very difficult to pursue both a music degree and play college sports.

College athletics are very time intensive and I understand that music is as well. In fact, I know of at least 3 kids who entered college as music majors and changed degree plans because of the time that was ceased to be fun and became more like a job. On the other side, several players dropped off of my son's JUCO team because of the intense work and time involved.

My son did theater, choir, and baseball in HS but has focused solely on baseball in college with no time for anything else. He did not even take theater classes as electives due to the time required - having done it in HS, he knew how much time commitment was needed.

In moving to a 4-year school, he is going to a university with a strong fine arts program. The coach was looking over his areas of interest and asked if he was intending to do performing arts. He said, "No."
The coach replied, "Good - I was a little worried. I don't think you could have done both."
My son agreed with him and said he knew he had to choose one over the other.

Since your boys are in band, I'm assuming that they know upper classmen who have entered college. They should discuss with them how they balance their schedule, when they have rehearsals, how much lab time is required, etc. Once you compare that to the baseball practice and game schedule, the question may be answered for you.

For my son, he still enjoys music by singing, and playing guitar. He takes care of the acting bug by hanging out with some friends that occasionally do improv stuff. He doesn’t dance anymore, which makes me sad, but he got a gig as the school mascot at basketball games because of his dancing ability. As I said, the school he is transferring to has a big performance arts dept so I imagine he will hook up with some people where he can dabble in that. As one scout told him a while back, the window of opportunity for baseball is really quite small. You can go back to performing later. That’s what he intends to do.

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