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So, I'm probably going to be one of the first college senior parents to experience these feelings of the "end of the road".  My son's conference only plays about 42-44 games per year, and we're done today.  So, it is the end of the road for us.  I thought it was going to be easy to keep my emotions in check, but as I type this I realize it is going to be a challenge.  For all the senior college parents who's son is calling it a career, I wish you the best.  A tip of the cap to you and your son.  For those fortunate enough to move forward with a baseball career, good luck as your son keeps the dream alive !


This weekend will be the end of my oldest son's college season & career.  In summary the season has been a tremendous disappointment.  However his college baseball career has been a fantastic trip that we've be fortunate to take this journey with him.  He's been extremeley thankful for the opportunity and learned alot about time management, teamwork and priorities.   The total experience taught him about people and himself.  Now, he understands not everybody thinks like he does and there is a big world out there.  This will serve him well in the real world.   He thanked my wife and I for everything at dinner last night.  I admit I was a little choked up.  While he was 8 hours away from home, I never got the sense the eagle had left the nest.  Now, I feel differently....the eagle is leaving the nest.


Life goes on and his future is very bright through his education. He is fortunate to graduate from a great school with a Mechanical Engineering and Material Science degree and had the opportunity to pitch at the D1 level with one conference championship (first for his school) to show for it.  Pretty darn good experience at the end of 4 years.   Win or lose today, it will be bittersweet for him & us as he walks off a college baseball field for the last time.  One door is closing, and another door is opening up. 


Folks - Enjoy it while you can, because those precious 4 years go by so fast!  Good luck.

"I'm not a Republican or a Democrat.  I'm a member of the Cocktail Party." - Anonymous

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Great post Will ! Often times baseball seasons don't play out the way we envision them before the season starts.However, the fact that your son was able to play four years of college baseball, and earn a world class degree at the same time is simply AWESOME ! Also, not too many pitchers can say they tossed a no hitter in college ! That performance by Connor against Dartmouth has solidified his place as one of the epic achievements in the long history of Cornell Athletics.


Go Big Red !


Props go to Dad & Mom for all the time and effort they put into guiding this young man on his journey.A job well done

Wow it seems like yesterday that BOFJr was visiting FenwayJr on an official visit, how time fly's!!! Like you, I can't believe it is coming to a close. As they say as one door closes another opens and Conner is heading into his new world fully equipped. You and your family, baseball and his hard work have set his path. What a great story, you have to be very very proud. 


One year from now I will likely be posting the same thing. Gulp. 


Congratulations and best of luck to Connor.



Thanks folks.  I really appreciate it.  There will be other senior parents that read my post in the coming weeks and understand how truly difficult this is.   Baseball has been a constant in our house since he was 2 years old hitting a baseball off a Young Tikes tee in diapers in the front yard.  I can still picture it.  I guess I'm just feeling a little melancholy at the moment.  But, it will pass.  This is the tough part of parenting they don't tell you about.


Ironically, his last college appearance was Sunday in the 14th inning to get his only  college save....he'd never closed.  3 batters and 3 outs (2Ks) to a conference rival.  It was a good way to go out!

great post and thanks for sharing. i would sign on the dotted line right now if it would guarantee my son 6 more years of baseball with 4 at one of the best universities on earth. Your family obviously did a great job 


It does go by way too fast, this past weekend at a game a little kid runs by my wife and i wearing an A's uniform, we looked at each other and were a second away from bawling as my sons first team at age 5 was the A's. Had to get up and "walk it off"


I can see it getting worse as time goes by. 



I admire the choices that your son has made in every way!  Choosing the best academic school that he could go to and sticking to a tough major while playing D1 baseball shows just what he is made of.  While I know it must feel awful to see your son play his last baseball game, I also know that your son is ready to succeed at whatever comes next.





 I just saw this post(after I sent you a PM the other day). You capture the feelings of a senior parent very well even though I am a few years away.  I can feel your emotions in your post.


Your wonderful advice to many of us and especially your son over these many years have been precious gold nuggets time and time again. What an incredible career Connor will soon begin entering the working world. Congrats and Thank you for all you have given to this forum. We all tip our caps to you your son and all the seniors and their parents.



We are both in the same boat and I feel your pain. It is all coming to an end so quickly (3 more weeks and hopefully 4 with the playoffs) and I will soon need to get a life since my son is my youngest. It has been a fun ride.


Thank you for all your help and advise over the years (and for keeping me sane). I look forward to helping others navigate this crazy path. 

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