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I was hoping there might be some advice out there regarding finding a collegiate summer league.  My son is a sophomore outfielder/utility at a NESCAC school and, for a variety of reasons, was not on the travel roster as a freshman.  He is a good player, but had some academic adjustment issues, which impacted his on-field performance (will give details if necessary). His school only places 2 or 3 pitchers in the Futures league every year - that is about it, and everyone else is on their own.  My son will compete for a starting spot this year (he was their best, most consistent hitter in the fall) and he really wants to play in a collegiate league somewhere this year, since he will probably be doing an internship next year.  He is willing to travel anywhere.  He has played in the local Collegiate League for the last 2 years and is ready to move on since this might be his last chance to do so.


My question is if anyone knows of any leagues that need players or are willing to take players with no college stats?  He was offered by a few D1 and D2 schools out of HS, but chose his school for academic reasons.  I support him having a summer playing baseball in another part of the country, since he will most likely be working the rest of his life.


If anyone has any advice or leads, I would appreciate it.  Feel free to PM if necessary.

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Hi HV Baseball Dad,

Try the Arizona Collegiate Wood Bat League. It's rather relaxed, and a great way to get consistent reps in. Majority of the players come from smaller schools or local junior colleges. It's a pay-and-play league, so as long as he is on some sort of college roster (or even college aged), you can play. You play games in the spring training complexes in the Phoenix area. I think that might be an option for him if he's looking to get consistent reps in.

There are at least some leagues that have an "application" link on their website. Examples below.  Don't know anything about these leagues other than all four appear to be brand new in the summer of 2016.  Three of them appear to be part of a larger organization.



Has your son asked any of his teammates about playing on their summer teams ?  My son's former HS teammate pitches at Bates.Last year,He was able to to secure  spots on his summer team for two of his Bates' teammates. They spent the summer here in San Diego with him and had a great time playing ball,going to the beach, and exploring many of the SoCal attractions.

I looked at your son's roster and he has teammates from Florida,Texas,Virginia, and the midwest. More than likely some of those players will be playing close to their home this summer. Start with them and see what happens.




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