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Son's a Sophmore in H.S. and we thought it would be a good idea to start looking at some Colleges as a family. We are scheduled to visit 4 campuses this year, 2 this semester and 2 next. Starting with a larger urban college (ODU) this weekend and a smaller rural one (Longwood) next month. Right now he is focused on High School and Baseball. He is maintaing 3.5 GPA, and did great on his PSAT's, but has no idea of what he might want to study in college let alone where he wants to study. As parents we are mostly concerned with the best fit academically first, then baseball and ofcourse like most we want him to stay as close as possible. My questions are, when will he start to get this "idea", and is 4 enough, too much, too few,too soon?
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As TR said, there is no general rule and it varies for each kid, but my sons both narrowed down their list of schools first, then visited their top 3 or 4 colleges. The oldest visited three of his top 4 choices via their baseball camps, summer before Jr year thru the next summer. The school which was number 4 on his list didn't have a camp available at the right time, so he just took an overnight visit in late fall of his senior year (went with a friend from his HS who was also considering that school; did not want mom or dad to come along). His visit included meeting with the baseball coaches, of course. He ended up choosing that school (D3) and is very happy with his choice (now a soph pitcher).
Last edited by MN-Mom
Yes, we have been to that site and have sat down and viewed some of them virtually. This first couple of schools are designed, in our mind at least, to get him excited and to start the wheels turning in his head about this. These schools are very close to home so there is not much involved as far as $$ and it's a good way to spend a Saturday as a fam. Taking my 8th grader along so we can "kill two birds" so to speak.
I've scheduled these visits during home games so we might be able to get a quick look at the facilities, team and coaches too.
Congrats on being proactive! I really feel this is a must-do whenever possible. As a family, we would visit campuses around the country as part of vacations or travel ball trips. It was a chance for son to experience small vs large campuses, urban vs rural settings, etc. and helped him narrow down what environment he really liked the best. Enjoy the ride! Cool

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