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A coach has called my son to make a college visit, but he wants to make this visit with another player that was also called. We, as parents, would rather make the visit alone with our son. What do you all think? It is his first visit. Does this count as an "official" visit? What questions should we ask?
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I would go as a family.

Questions to ask:

What role will our son have on the team?
Academics: counselors, advisors, priority class sign up?
Scholarship offer: what does it cover. Tuition, books and housing?
What is a typical day like in the fall and spring?
How many kids competing for the same spot?

In general you want to determine if this is a go fit for your son, and get a read on the coaching staff.

Ask as many questions as you see fit. This should be a one on one with the recruiter and head coach.

Good luck,
We went as a family but that is a player/family preference. There is no set protocol here. We allowed our son to take the lead in all conversations with the coaches. During the visit we mostly listened and took notes. Use common sense. I'm not saying to be completely silent but all your questions don't have to be answered on the spot. This is basically a coach/player visit. The coaches will probably ask if you have any question. Do as you see fit but I wouldn't get too specific while on a visit. The coach will explain most of what you want to know without you asking. Allow him to speak .... allow your son to speak too. **DON'T insult the coach by trying to sell your son! Let the coach sell his college and his program. As far as an official visit, you can look on the NCAA website about official visits...
Good Luck,
On the issue of both kids going at the same time:

I am no expert on this. But, if the coach invited the two players, he had a reason. Maybe schedule issues? Who knows. But, I would be reluctant to appear difficult or demanding at this early stage.

OP said this would be 1st visit, so I assume there is more time in the fall for a re-visit alone, possibly even an official visit. I would err on the side of being respectful of the coach's time and wishes. Make the most of this initial visit, see the campus, get an admissions tour as well as the athletic visit, and see what you think of the campus overall. In depth individual visit can happen later if the school stays on your list.
Fungo has made some great points for any type of visit whether it be official or unofficial. Follow those steps to gain more information.

It's not going to hurt to go with the other guy which I'm assuming you have never met before. This might be the only way the coach can fit both in to see the school or whatever. The thing to remember is this is still early in the process so nobody is going to ask anybody for anything binding. First visit get an idea of what the school / program has to offer. Probably won't even talk money either. If you like this place and they like you then take another visit where it will be one on one and then you can talk money. Just don't try to fit the whole process into one visit.
Sure, go with him, but I think your son should have some time without you, on his visit. (Is he staying overnight? Big Grin ) Most schools have current players present on recruit day. They're the ones he'd spend the most time with, next year. They'll give him a better feel about U of X and baseball than the coaches, the FA director, librarians, department heads etc.

Any reason why the other kid's parents aren't going?

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