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My son 2015 LHP, 6'3, was All Region, All State and Team MVP last year as a Sophomore..I am not saying he is a stud but he does ok...He hasnt really received too much as far as interest so far...Couple schools...Not really sure we are on the right track as far as travel teams go..We play at tourneys at colleges but I am not sure if there has ever been a scout there...anyway...


What should we be doing???...I see the forms on college websites that he is intersted in...Do we fill those out? It does ask for SAT or ACT info. However he has not taken either yet, Oct and Nov...Do we just wait till we gets the scores? Should I stop with the travel ball after this season and attend some camps and and showcase or 2 instead? Just wana make sure he gets seen as he is at a very small High School and I am sure he wont get noticed there...One good thing about this school they do play many bigger schools and he is usually on the mound for those.


Thanks in advance

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I would take a short video of son pitching.  Could be bullpen or game video.  No longer than 3 minutes.  Take if from the side and perhaps from behind the catcher.  Post the video on You Tube.  


Have your son set up an email account through gmail that is dedicated strictly to baseball.  Have his address be something like:


Have your son send the recruiting coordinator an email.  You can find their email address on the website or on the staff directory (sometimes you have to search for it)


In the email your son can express his interest in the program and the school.  Put the You Tube link in the email.  


Ask the coordinator what you need to do next to continue the process.  You can also follow up later with another email including your awards and schedule of future games.  


6'3" LHP will get their attention.  

Good Luck, hope this helps.


Originally Posted by dolphindan1:

My son 2015 LHP, 6'3, was All Region, All State and Team MVP last year as a Sophomore..I am not saying he is a stud but he does ok...He hasnt really received too much as far as interest so far...Couple schools...Not really sure we are on the right track as far as travel teams go..We play at tourneys at colleges but I am not sure if there has ever been a scout there...anyway...


What should we be doing???...I see the forms on college websites that he is intersted in...Do we fill those out? It does ask for SAT or ACT info. However he has not taken either yet, Oct and Nov...Do we just wait till we gets the scores? Should I stop with the travel ball after this season and attend some camps and and showcase or 2 instead? Just wana make sure he gets seen as he is at a very small High School and I am sure he wont get noticed there...One good thing about this school they do play many bigger schools and he is usually on the mound for those.


Thanks in advance

Will follow this topic closely, as it resembles our experience this year.

Don't stop with travel ball. that is for sure. I have a 2014. Our experience he went to a couple showcase in fall of Junior year (right where you are now in the process). Have at least one be soemthing where they will give you measurables back (MPH, if he does more that pitch then bat exit speed, 60 yd, etc) and a short summary. For Ohio an many in midwest it is PrepBaseball Report. In south Perfect Game (actually this one is all over the country). Shouldn't be to hard to figure out who that group is in our area. This should help him figure out where he "fits" D1, D2, D3, JC, NAIA, etc 


In summer between soph and junior year he went to showcase tournaments and saw a few scout but not many (what just past for you). However in Spring of junior year for HS, because of fall showcases he had 1 or 2 come to his HS games (they are in middle of thier season at that time). But as soon as summer ball began, scouts where all over the place. Not just at his games he pitched but teammates as well and games before and after us in the tournaments we played in.


Look for a team that will be in good showcase tournaments where your 2015 is interested in playing. Be on as good a team as possible where he will play!


One of my 2014's mistakes was he was not proactive in winter of junior year. He did not contact colleges and let them know he was interested (they can only contact by email to player at that time, they can answer the phone and talk, but can't call). I truly believe he missed out on opportunities because he did not. Simply by comparing where he "fits" and where otehres he knows "fit" and where they are going. He is going to get to go to a great school and hs it narrowed down to 2, but neither were in his top 5. He simply didn't present himself to them and waited for them. He is good but not someone everyone comes running to see, so he have to market himself to those he is interested in   


Best of luck. feel free to ask any thing else

My son is a 6"3" 2015 LHP also!  While our mailbox is not exactly stuffed, we do have interest from 10-15 schools ranging from prominent DI to DIII.


We had a bit of an opposite situation with High School.  We go to a very large HS and although he's been pitching varsity since Freshman year, he was a #3 or 4 behind upperclassmen. So despite him pitching well, we didn't get a lot of exposure there.  His HS coach has been little help so far. Summer and Fall teams were better as he has been a #1, and his coach there has been outstanding at getting him exposure, making videos, etc.  

By far though, the biggest generator of interest was the Head First Honor Roll Showcase he attended this summer.  That is where the majority of the interest has come from.  Once my son saw that there was real interest there, he gained a lot of confidence, and put together a list of potential schools and did exactly as baseballMom10 suggested.  He introduced himself via e-mail and followed up with a "Pitching Resume", academic info and links to his video.  I also have to imagine that the 6"3" Left Handed Pitcher tag helped a bit, but we were pleasantly surprised at the response, and have started good dialogs with several schools that have yet to see him pitch.

We made videos, etc.  Don't think that colleges are going to see these videos and start calling.  They will look at them after they have interest.

In my limited experience, showcasing, coach-to-coach word of mouth networking, and velocity are the honey that draws the bees.

although he's been pitching varsity since Freshman year, he was a #3 or 4 behind upperclassmen

It's not necessary to start in HS to be recruited.  In some cases it can hurt.  You must be able to max your velocity when showcasing.
Last edited by SultanofSwat

Yes, your son should fill out the online questionaires for schools he is interested in.  It gets him on "the list".  You may start receiving emails for camps, etc., but at least he would now be on the list.  Just leave the SAT info blank.  Go back and fill it in (send another form?) later if you wish.  The questionair is just one tool for schools to generate a recruitment/interest list.


There are sample letters on this site to send to coaches:

Send the coaches his schedule the week before he plays in tournaments. Include your video at the bottom of the correspondance.  Send an update email when you get the pitching rotation. 


Going to a Perfect Game individual showcase will give you measurables to see how your guy stacks up.  You don't need to do this to be recruited, but it certainly could help.  Also, a profile of your player will be set up for all coaches to see.  Your email will be available to them as well for camp invites, etc.  Keep the profile up to date.


Maybe encourage your travel team to go to the PG WWBA 17u next summer in East Cobb, GA.  Keep playing travel ball!


Also, don't expect your high school coach to be proactive in the recruitment process. Some do, some don't.  What our coach did for keewartson, without our asking, was call the college coach before our unofficial visits. 


Keewartson is playing in a very small (5 schools) fall league comprised of the baseball players not playing other fall sports with some teams with JV-age players as well.  There was a local D1 recruiter there last night watching a few pitchers.  So, coaches will come...just invite them!


Originally Posted by College Recruiting Specialist:

If you are filling out College Web forms and applications and they cost money, wait until after your son has taken the SAT because at some point they need to know that. If it is a free application or web form then go ahead and fill it out. The sooner the better on college apps, I learned that the hard way in High School! Hope that helped a bit!

I have never come across a web-based college recruit questionnaire that cost money to fill out! If you are saying they exist, I'll trust you, though.


Originally Posted by Green Light:
Originally Posted by College Recruiting Specialist:

If you are filling out College Web forms and applications and they cost money, wait until after your son has taken the SAT because at some point they need to know that. If it is a free application or web form then go ahead and fill it out. The sooner the better on college apps, I learned that the hard way in High School! Hope that helped a bit!

I have never come across a web-based college recruit questionnaire that cost money to fill out! If you are saying they exist, I'll trust you, though.

Ditto. Never saw a legit college web site that asked a prospective student to pay for the opportunity to fill out a recruit questionnaire.  Ever, in any sport. Parents would hopefully run for the hills if they were asked for $$ on a recruit form. (I wonder if "CRS" was in fact referring to the college admissions apps themselves, which of course cost money, but are not filled out in junior year.) 


To the OPs question, re testing. My favorite subject (not!).


It is fine to fill out those PSA forms now w/out SAT then update later.


You mention the November SAT test date, and I just want to comment on that. In my many years in higher ed admissions, the November testing isn't typical for a junior. IMHO, it is a bit early for most juniors unless there is a pressing reason to take it that soon AND he is well prepared for it. Have your son look at the math content on SAT, and ask his current math teacher if he thinks he is in good shape now for the test.  Have him look hard at any other standardized tests in critical reading/writing. Is he really ready for the reading/writing side of the test?


 In the meantime he takes the PSAT next month (should be signing up for that in school this week). Once he gets his PSAT score (in late Nov at the earliest) he'll have a better feel for it.


If it fits your family budget, I recommend some SAT preparation between the PSAT and his 1st real SAT to get as strong a score as he can his 1st time out of the box. Or look at free resources on line.


In the meantime, putting his Junior Year PSAT score on his resume can sometimes be enough of a clue to coaches to gauge if he is he 'in range' for recruiting. My son had that on his cover letters and baseball transcript until he had his January test scores; that worked out great.Most baseball coaches don't expect real scores until a bit later. Again, there are exceptions.  And I know this 'race' in recruiting gets an earlier start every year but I firmly believe kids should not take that SAT until they are ready for it.

Students should also know that the scores stay with them; with many elite colleges not allowing 'score choice,' a student may regret taking it too soon and underperforming.

Many juniors will take their 1st real SAT in January but of course this is an individual question.


Last but not least in my suggestions, don't forget about the ACT! Some kids over/under perform on one vs the other so it is worth considering both.


Sorry this was a long tangent, but I think folks doing this for the 1st time should know at least part of the bigger picture on testing.

Originally Posted by BaseballmomandCEP:


Many juniors will take their 1st real SAT in January but of course this is an individual question.


Last but not least in my suggestions, don't forget about the ACT! Some kids over/under perform on one vs the other so it is worth considering both.

Baseball Mom, do you feel that there is any worth in taking the  PSAT for a Junior who has already taken the ACT and SAT?  Our 2015 took both as a Frosh.  His SAT was just okay but his ACT was pretty good so he took that again as a Soph and got a 31.  Since he didn't review at all and so much middle school math was covered, he feels he can improve that a lot this year. I know that the PSAT can earn you status as a National Merit Scholar (at least it did in my day?)  but I don't know if colleges care much about that.

Great question.


There is no down side to taking the PSAT despite having already taken the 'real' test. It will 'refresh' his knowledge of that test so he can decide if he wants to focus on SAT vs ACT.  (9th grade was a long time ago....he might be much stronger now on SAT type questions...who knows!)


And, if he took it 9th I am assuming he did it for some academic programs that recognize talent (CTY or Tips?); so if he is a good test taker (a 31 ACT says he is....)  he WILL want to try for NMSQ. 


Do colleges put a lot of weight on Nat Merit? It depends. Commended is OK, semi finalist pretty prestigious. Finalists are a rare thing.


But National Merit at any level is a nice feather in the cap in the admissions process, plus coaches love bragging about players' academic accomplishments, don't they?  He might as well take it and do his best. Just about every college bound junior in the country is taking it.....


Thanks everyone...I hated to press for a response but I didnt want to do the wrong thing...


This may all be a mute point anyway...He just brought home all F's except one on his first progress report...I about lost it...I am now considering pulling him from Travel ball and HS football...He has never been a great student but something is wrong here...I am not sure if its no time to study or what....Only thing I get from him is its just progress reports...makes me want to knock him...


Maybe I shouldnt spout that on here

Sorry to hear about the grades.  The rule my wife and I have for our children is you don't play if any grade is less than a "C".  And it's not negotiable.


Depending on what the standards are for the school, you may not have to worry about pulling him from HS football.  He may become ineligible based on his recent grades.  In our local school district a student becomes ineligible if more than one "F" is recorded in the most recent grading period.  Personally, I'd like to see them institute a minimum GPA standard as well (2.0 as a minimum) and if any F's are recorded, the student is ineligible.  I don't like the fact that a student fails a class and can still play.  But that's just me.


Back when my son played travel ball (he's at a JUCO now), the parents of one his teammates had strict rules.  Any grade below a C, no travel ball.  It worked - sort of.  It motivated him to study enough to keep his grades somewhat passable.  Unfortunately, he didn't go further - his GPA remained below 2.0 going into his senior year of HS. This kid would eventually get drafted (6'4" RHP 95 mph FB), but did not get any D1 or D2 offers due to his grades.  He got one D1 JUCO offer and that was pretty much it.  His senior year there were an average of 15 pro scouts at every game he started (we called it the "circus").  Even the scouts knew he was signable due to his low grades.

I think the football was too much...the travel ball was only a couple days a week and weekends...but football he doesnt get home till 9pm...hasnt eaten, needs a shower, and homework...I really tried to talk him out of playing for this reason...just too much...But he won the starting QB spot and really wanted to play his first year...


I guess I should have stepped up and told him no....

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