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Originally posted by justbaseball:
I never considered Fresno St. a mid-major. Not 10 years ago, not today. But maybe thats my California bias?

They get good players (some of the best actually) from our area every year. They draw good crowds to a big college stadium. They have a strong fan base. To me, their program is just a tick below Fullerton and Long Beach...but certainly above mid-major.

(BTW, did you know they were missing their best pitcher through all of this? Tanner Scheppers).

RPIs are a mess. Have been ever since I've watched them. Maybe if the NCAA would pay less attention to them they would get the seeding more correct.

Fresno is most certainly a Cinderella champion. But they are legit, no doubt. USD, Long Beach State, ASU, Rice, UNC and Georgia is quite a track record and perhaps no national champion in some time is more deserving. What a great story!

justbb - I just used your post to start a discussion - I am not critiquing what you have to say in any way.

Curious what people really think. Do some think the RPI system stinks? Lets look at it...

1 0.648 53 11 53 11 Miami, Florida
2 0.643 54 14 54 14 North Carolina
3 0.634 54 14 54 14 Florida State
4 0.626 47 15 47 15 Rice
8 0.606 49 19 49 19 Louisiana State
9 0.601 41 24 41 24 Stanford
11 0.600 45 25 45 25 Georgia
No. 51 is Fresno.

The only real aberation there is Fresno, otherwise it looks like the RPI system was a pretty good predictor of the Omaha teams.

Do people think the West is superior? In 2005 Texas won. Are they from the East or the West? In 2006 and 2007 it was Oregon State and in 2008 it was Fresno State. Does this trend prove the West Coast teams are superior? Using that logic, would we conclude UC Davis, for example, is more talented than Stanford since they took 3 of 4 from them this year?

I don't recall one reporter or poster on the hsbbweb saying that Frsno State was under-seeded before the tournament started. In hindsight, they obviously were. I think some of the beef might be with the SEC placing 9 teams. Is it fair to say some of the hard feelings are about the at-large bids being skewed toward the East (or at least perceived that way). Is it even fair to say that? These are just questions for discussion. Lets have fun with it and see where the logical arguments take us Smile
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Don't know if I posted it or not...but I most definitely thought Fresno was under-seeded from the very start. Everyone I know out here thought so. Early rumors were that they'd be the #4 in our region and that worried us all an awful lot! Thought UC Davis was under-seeded too and they gave us quite a scare.

UC Davis might have been better than Stanford? They certainly matched up very well against us. They beat us 3 of 4 and had us on the ropes in the regional until the 9th inning of Game 2. I would say they should've been a 3-seed...but even a very strong 3-seed at that.

I am not going to re-start the East/West debate. I will just say that the NCAA ignores or under-seeds some really solid West teams every year in memory. Then everyone acts surprised when the West wins it. We play harder schedules out here (likely due to fewer weak teams nearby) and thus take more losses...beat each other up. But it serves West teams well in the playoffs as they have already played in many pressure-packed, competitive, close games. They're used to being behind and fighting back (see Fresno State demeanor when behind GA 5-0 in Game 2). Its probably just a function of geography and schedule-able games more than anything else. Our pre-season series were Nebraska, Fullerton and Texas. Doesn't get much better than that. Our conference had no "gimme's." It just is what it is.

On RPIs, looking at the relative 1-8 of the CWS teams...I would say it was upside down (more or less...exception UNC?), wouldn't you? Don't the results say that? But my main complaint about the RPIs is that they penalize teams like Santa Clara (#68 RPI, a mid-major for sure but with a very hard schedule and good results), UCSB and perhaps this year Oregon State (#60 RPI and thats a joke! Saw them in 3 games and they were as tough as any 2-seed in any regional out there).

JMO, nothing more. Wink
Last edited by justbaseball
RPI is misleading. The degree of seperation is not proportionate to the position. Tiger woods is ranked #1 in the world but there is a huge gap in his ranking score and #2, with everybody else bunched up, way below him.

#51 is competitive with everybody, as they proved. If Fresno is commonly percieved as a major program on the west coast, then it is what it is.

It is such a momentum game. The intangibles leading to success are what makes your skin tingle, kids dogpile and drives coaches crazy trying to figure out.
Last edited by Dad04
It is such a momentum game. The intangibles leading to success are what makes your skin tingle, kids dogpile and drives coaches crazy trying to figure out.

Great point.

Perhaps we can all find our Santa Clara's out there. I looked at their schedule and yes there are some big boys on it but some other parts of their schedule leaves something to be desired imho. Hard to determine things on paper however

Never forget that winning must be factored in regardless of the schedule. I can point to College of Charleston on this coast who none of you have seen play. You would not want to see those guys show up in your regional bracket just like we probably all would be shaking our heads if we saw Santa Clara play in one of our brackets. The answer for Santa Clara is to win more games. That will raise their RPI and put them in line for an at-large bid given their tough schedule.
I admit I know virtually nothing about College of Charleston other than they have a reputation as a very good baseball program...even out here.


Strength of Schedule:

Santa Clara - 17
College of Charleston - 137


College of Charleston - 52
Santa Clara - 68


College of Charleston - 20
Santa Clara - 22

Hard for me to reconcile all of this.
Last edited by justbaseball
Originally posted by justbaseball:
I admit I know virtually nothing about College of Charleston other than they have a reputation as a very good baseball program...even out here.


Strength of Schedule:

Santa Clara - 17
College of Charleston - 137

Excellent point and that is why I started the discussion. I still believe winning will set you free. If a school's main argument is SoS, then that is a loser most of the time imho - especially if you come out on the short end of the stick in many of those alledgedly "tougher" games.

Automatic Bids are another way for some of these smaller programs to take the decison-making away from the NCAA committee. Fresno State has indeed showed one possible way. Go out and win your way to a championship and leave all the excuses behind.
I think most of us accept that the conference tourney winner, whether it be Columbia in the Ivy League or LSU in the SEC gets a berth. It is that way in all levels of NCAA baseball and it isn't going to change.
Where the real issues arise, in my view, is when the NCAA repeatedly takes the 6-9 teams in the SEC, 5-8 in the ACC, 5-8 in the Big 12, at the expense of the #3-4 in the Big West, the number 5-6 in the Pac 10, and the #3-4 in the WCC.
In the Stanford regional, there was not much that much difference in Stanford, Pepperdine and UC Davis in the way they played.
The one team that did not have a chance to win that regional was the #9 SEC team, Arkansas, and they received a #3 seed ahead of Davis. Good team but no chance to compete in that regional, and not competitive with Davis.
Oklahoma being selected out of the Big 12 was laughable and that gets reinforced when you see how that conference performed in the post season.
Most everyone is now seeing/agreeing there is increasing parity in baseball, except, it seems, when the post season at large selections are made every year.
So I really see this as an issue whether the #5-9 teams in the SEC/ACC and Big 12 continue to deserve post season opportunities when it comes at the expense of programs like the College of Charleston, Santa Clara, and some others. Personally, I think we will have the same discussion in 2009, 2010, because the SEC/ACC etc will always wield much more influence. It is fun to discuss and debate, though. Wink
Last edited by infielddad
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
Youre right you don't know much about C of C. 9 players drafted. It is a fantastic college and wins their cof. regularly.

Re-read my entire post in which I said:

...other than they have a reputation as a very good baseball program...even out here.

I think infielddad has nailed the crux of the problem from my perspective. I can only compare teams I've seen in person but Santa Clara, Oregon State and even Washington were all better than Arkansas. UC Davis was much better than them too, yet seeded lower. It wasn't that close.

BTW, I thought the best team I saw in person this year was Georgia. I thought they'd win it, but I hadn't seen Fresno State and while I thought they were very good too, I underestimated them myself.
Last edited by justbaseball
Originally posted by infielddad:
Where the real issues arise, in my view, is when the NCAA repeatedly takes the 6-9 teams in the SEC, 5-8 in the ACC, 5-8 in the Big 12, at the expense of the #3-4 in the Big West, the number 5-6 in the Pac 10, and the #3-4 in the WCC.

Great points! This is where I suspected the beef was. It is really hard to argue stats however. I would love to see Santa Clara play but for obvious reasons cannot. Interesting in basketball, most of us can see many programs play on both coasts via television. Perhaps if this sport were to grow on television, it might not be as easy to justify some of these decisions.
Dad04 - I think their coach (Rex Peters) has really done a very nice job. He is well respected by HS coaches in Northern California and has recruited players that other schools may have overlooked...and coached them into better players.

UC Davis is a good academic school in a tough conference. Nice college town. Decent facilities. Pretty committed following (at least when they play Stanford! Wink).

I have no idea how committed he is long-term to that program...and I would call them a "mid-major" for now. If I were a "major," he's a guy I'd sure be interested in interviewing. But I hope he stays...he's done a nice job.
To support justbb(like he needs it from me )
Coach Peters was hired in 2003 from DIII power Chapman in Southern CA, where he had great success.
He took over from a coaching legend that bbscout loved.
He does not have the best athletes. However, his teams execute and they play the game fundamentally well and he has very good players.
On top of that, Peters seemed to be a wonderful game coach with use of the hit and run, squeeze and constantly putting pressure on a defense to make plays.
Finally, while I am not close enough to truly know, my impression of the Davis program(like Fresno St) is that Coach Peters coaches in a way that gets the most out of his players, but his players seem committed, fearless and give their heart 100% on each and every play, in each and every game.
ClevelandDad said:
Do people think the West is superior? In 2005 Texas won. Are they from the East or the West? In 2006 and 2007 it was Oregon State and in 2008 it was Fresno State. Does this trend prove the West Coast teams are superior? Using that logic, would we conclude UC Davis, for example, is more talented than Stanford since they took 3 of 4 from them this year?


IMHO the answer is California will always have better overall team representation from its schools in the CWS tournament. For me the Georgia team pretty much is a single team, though groomed from the outset from East Cobb tournaments represents a very small populated state in comparison to California. For my way of thinking Georgia was the Cinderella team because if had to play in the west I don't think it would have made to the CWS at all. A greeat team doesn't get skunked 19-10.

California and the West is always discounted in equality against the East and Southeast schools. It just part of the culture there. To settle this once and for all we need to have cross country tournaments to qualify for the regionals then you would truely get the best teams competing for the CWS championship just as they do with the basketball finals. Bet the small schools from the SEC wouldn't get as far as they have been in the past.
Last edited by LLorton
"A great team doesn't get skunked 19-10."

Don't really care one way or another-a bulldog is a bulldog- Big Grin but my experience is that getting skunked means being shutout. Could be wrong. At any rate, I don't necessarily agree that a great team can't get beaten by a large margin every now and then. 12-4, 15-1, 11-1, 14-4. FSU-West scores this year. They're still a pretty darn good team IMO.
I've been waiting on the east/west fireworks to begin. Bottomline, people have opinions about "their" conference or local because it's theirs! They see more games from local areas or where son plays, etc. Regardless of what east coaster or west coaster says, they can't be completely unbiased towards any team. It's similar in asking any parent on this board about their child - they're not going to see that kid the same way another set of eyes will.

Georgia is a great ball team. I've seen them play several times during the season - however, I realize I have a SEC bias. It's what I've grown up cheering for. Obviously Fresno State was a better ball team this week - for several reasons IMO. I'm not sure that I'd even ever heard of Fresno State. I bet folks in CA had.

The arguments regarding west/east, north/south, are really meaningless IMO. There's GREAT ball everywhere and no one state, no one conference, no one region has a lock on that.
How can anyone say that Georgia dominated this year when they went 45-25-1 in regular season. The fact is regardless of who won last nite the champion would have had more losses than any team to win in the history of the CWS, not that Fresno state cares.

As for the layoff---it should have worked to their advantage as they had a rested pitching staff and the Fresno came into the final beat to a pulp

I think it was two evenly matched teams playing and the Fresno kids just were on a roll and wanted it more
Fireworks are fun! (As long as no one takes it personally Wink).

Never heard of Fresno before? Augie Garrido played and coached there. His number is retired and hanging on the outfield wall.

Georgia was the best team I saw in person this the time I saw them. And yes, I most definitely have a West bias, but that impression is not hard for me to admit.

Georgia was better than ASU, Fullerton, Texas, Nebraska, Cal, Arizona, Florida State, Miami and yes, Stanford (see our coaches comments after our 2nd game...he said the same). I never saw Fresno in person...but they obviously were the very best team at the end of the year!

West Coast college baseball deserves better respect from the NCAA when they select and seed the field...that is the only thing I am saying. We're used to it, it happens every year...but we have all been robbed of seeing some really good players on a national stage during college because of it (most recent prime example was Tim Lincecum from U. Washington).

Everyone talks of Fresno being the biggest upset ever...not IMO. They were an upset winner, yes, but not the biggest and the perception is only there because they were under-seeded to begin with. Seriously, can anyone say (with a straight face) that they were at the same level as nearly all of the other 4-seeds? IMO, they embarrassed the work of the NCAA selection/seeding.

I think this stuff is fun to debate. Just 2 nights ago I sat at a BlackJack table in Reno and debated SE football vs. West Coast football with an LSU alum. Fun stuff! Big Grin
Last edited by justbaseball
I actually don't see this as a West-East issue.
Certainly, I don't think many West Coasters are going to try and run down UNC, Miami, Florida St. LSU, etc. I don't think any East coasters will run down Fullerton, ASU, U of A, Stanford, etc.
As I posted before, my view is there is parity in college ball that is being missed in the NCAA selection process so that the 6-9 teams in the an illustration only, are being chosen over the 2-4 seeds in the WCC and Big West on this side of the US, the Missouri Valley and MAC in the more Central locations, and the Big South and Southern Conference in the...well, the South.
There is little doubt in my mind the 8 teams in Omaha were very, very, very good. The quality of the play and closeness of the games is clear evidence.
I am not convinced, and in fact have strong feelings the bottom tier teams in the power conferences get too much at the expense of better teams in the non power conferences.
That is where I think CD is precisely correct. Teams in conferences like the WAC(Fresno St) have to win their tournament or they are not going to post season play, at the expense of the #9 or even #10 in the SEC.
Originally posted by justbaseball:
Fireworks are fun! (As long as no one takes it personally Wink).

Never heard of Fresno before? Augie Garrido played and coached there. His number is retired and hanging on the outfield wall.

I think this stuff is fun to debate. Just 2 nights ago I sat at a BlackJack table in Reno and debated SE football vs. West Coast football with an LSU alum. Fun stuff! Big Grin

I saw Garrido in the stands and I think they even interviewed him. Even though I'm well aware of his career, I had no idea he went to Fresno State until watching the games. As I said, FSU was a no name school for me. That might well be my ignorance, but it is what it is.

I can truly support any football team anywhere! So, those conversations wouldn't get me riled. Big Grin Now, when you go to putting basketball into the equation..... wanna see some fireworks!!! Step back!! Big Grin
Moc1 said:
Don't really care one way or another-a bulldog is a bulldog- but my experience is that getting skunked means being shutout. Could be wrong. At any rate, I don't necessarily agree that a great team can't get beaten by a large margin every now and then. 12-4, 15-1, 11-1, 14-4. FSU-West scores this year. They're still a pretty darn good team IMO.


Moc1 maybe your point is correct but in the given three game matchup we all just watched, Georgia was overmatched...squeaked by in the first game on a fluke bounce of the ball off the second base bag to go ahead.

The dominating teams are from the west...just look at the record. USC has won the most CWS and second isn't even close.

I don't disrespect the Georgia team, no doubt they have some very good ballplayers, it's just their frame of reference to competition is parochial in comparison to the overall competition the California teams go through just to get to the regionals.

Last edited by LLorton
Originally posted by justbaseball:
Dad04 - I think their coach (Rex Peters) has really done a very nice job. He is well respected by HS coaches in Northern California and has recruited players that other schools may have overlooked...and coached them into better players.

UC Davis is a good academic school in a tough conference. Nice college town. Decent facilities. Pretty committed following (at least when they play Stanford! Wink).

I have no idea how committed he is long-term to that program...and I would call them a "mid-major" for now. If I were a "major," he's a guy I'd sure be interested in interviewing. But I hope he stays...he's done a nice job.

jbb I remember listening to Coach Peters on the pregame in Hawaii. It was Jr's 2nd college start and 1st win, so the game was memorable. He was very humble, just hoping to compete with a young club. I later found out he was successful as soon as he got there, and still is. He just competes. I expect he will continue, there or elsewhere. I'm sure he will get opportunities to consider. They had 9 draft picks this year.
Last edited by Dad04
Dad04 - He recruited my son a little in the beginning. At the time they were D2 and transitioning and given who else was recruiting him he wasn't too interested.

But he told me that Coach Peters was one of the warmest, kindest coaches he talked too. When our son told him that they weren't in the mix, Coach Peters talked to him for around 20 minutes on who was and about how they were such great choices. Really classy IMO.

Our younger son's HS coach thinks very highly of Coach Peters and I think his approach to the local kids has reaped him lots of success and a bright future.
Originally posted by infielddad:
Originally posted by TPM:
. The 5 day lay off hurt them.

Since Georgia won game 1, in very dramatic fashion, I don't understand how those days off play into the result. Your thoughts??

From 6/14-6/21 they played 3 games. Stanford almost put them away. First game against Fresno, they almost lost, they certainly didn't look "refreshed". You lose momentum, you lose the edge, you lose the adrenaline.

This is often something I've seen that happens to teams during exam week, late spring, takes a while to get back up and running, practice against your team mates doesn't always work. Frown JMO and observation.
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Infieldad said:
Good thing I said "many" so I could give LL some room to wedge in with his view.


IMO it just seems to me that West Coast schools never get any respect...even after such an outstanding performance by our boys from Fresno they are called "Cinderella" as though teams from California are someway inferior because they don't have that East Coast or SEC "pedigree".

I get tired of it and it isn't just with our college teams but our MLB pros and high school teams also. Then the East Coast and SEC bias by the NCAA is so evident and really overt with the sports media...they've never heard of De La Salle. A private high school out here that would kick the stuffing out of their best.

Most the teams they hold so dear are second level teams out here.
Last edited by LLorton
LL it seems you have a serious chip on your shoulder. All I have seen is everyone here giving Fresno State the props they deserve. The announcers make me sick with the "Glass Slipper" comments. But they think that stuff sells. They were the best team in Omaha. They earned their way to the event and then proved they were the best. West coast bias? The people that truly follow the sport and the players already know that there is great baseball from coast to coast. Its not about conference or west vs east. Its about team vs team. And Fresno proved they were the best team in the nation. And they did it on the field which is the only place that matters.
I believe we should halt all arguement's about the best conf. best coast best whatever.
It serve's no purpose on the HSBBW.

Great play all over the country.
I do believe that more teams need to get into the tournament.
My suggestion is to have Sub-Regionals.

16 site's, 8 teams.
Top 4 teams in each sub regional gets reseeded.
And placed in the Regionals.
That way there would be more team's that would have a chance.
And less arguement's about who deserve's what.
Last edited by theEH
Not to continue the debate but...

Surely everyone was surprised that Fresno State became the national champion. I doubt if a month ago anyone outside of Fresno would have picked Fresno State to win it all. Therefore they certainly were a Cinderella team. This is not to say they didn’t deserve to win because they did.

They were 21-25 in 46 of their “regular season” games this year against the following teams.

Portland (1-1)
UC Davis (2-2)
Indiana (2-1)
Santa Clara (0-2)
San Francisco (0-2)
San Diego (0-1)
New Mexico State (6-3)
Cal Poly (2-3)
Cal (0-2)
Nevada (4-4)
Sacramento State (2-2)
Hawaii (2-2)

Not that the above teams aren’t great competition, but who would have thought National Championship at the end of the regular season? Interesting that they beat 4 of those teams in the playoffs. Three to win their conference tournament to make the NCAA field. Fresno State does have a lot of talent but this really is a great Cinderella story IMO. In fact, it was a big Cinderella Story just making it to Omaha. There’s nothing wrong with being a Cinderella Story, those are the things that make sports great. It was fun to watch and they sure did earn it. What a TEAM! What a run!

Regarding someone not being a great team if they lose 19-10… This year the National Champion Fresno State team lost to San Diego 15-1, lost to New Mexico State 9-2, lost to Indiana 11-1, and lost to Cal 14-4. Its baseball and that stuff happens.

All that said, it does seem like the NCAA slights the west coast teams. Maybe they should look at the results over the past several years.
Coach May said:
LL it seems you have a serious chip on your shoulder.


I guess it comes across that way but it just bothers me that we out here on the West Coacst have to listen to the sports casters insulting our boys and then they seem to think it's humorous. The Fresno "****mond Dogs" to a man said they didn't agree with that interpretation of their season.

PGStaff said: Surely everyone was surprised that Fresno State became the national champion. I doubt if a month ago anyone outside of Fresno would have picked Fresno State to win it all. Therefore they certainly were a Cinderella team. This is not to say they didn’t deserve to win because they did.

IMHO not everyone and certainly not the Fresno State Bulldogs. They knew that they could compete against anyone...especially after b eating the best of the PAC10 could offer. Let's face ASU was a 4 to 1 favorite to eliminate the Bulldogs.

All the record shows as you have presented for the FS Bulldogs is how tough it is to run the slate in the WCC the WAC and the PAC10. It is meaningless to conjecture that it means that the FS Bulldogs should not have been respected for their talent and the tough tough tough conferences these teams play in.

Unless you play out here you just do not understand how competitive it is at every level. That is what is missed in all the ratings of the supposed guru's expert analysis.

What the hay, last year there were 175 players trying out for 35 spots at a prominent D2 school that almost went go figure that.

Last edited by LLorton
Futureback.Mom said: Perhaps we could rename it to account for the gender of the team: Cinderella

The connotation of "Cinderella" is that FSU didn't earn it. They lucked out. I just donot agree with either the connotatin or the meaning it represents and think it is an insult to every coach and player of the Fresno State Bulldogs.


Sometimes I think it is impossible to clearly state a point that others read clearly.

Regarding the connotation of “Cinderella” please look at the “Official” website of Fresno State.

Especially things like this….
WonderDogs Win!
06/22/2008 - For the Fresno State baseball team, most thought the team's magical run through the NCAA Tournament would end Sunday night at Johnny Rosenblatt Sta... [+]

Or this
Wonderdogs Takeout No. 2 Tar Heels
06/17/2008 - A run through the NCAA baseball tournament that most called improbable took the Fresno State baseball team one step closer to the national champion... [+]

Or especially this
No. 2 Tar Heels Edge Dogs
06/21/2008 - The Fresno State Bulldogs, the Cinderella story of this year's NCAA baseball tournament, went to the wire against the No. 2 team in the nation in a... [+]

Guess I can't understand what is so bad about being called a Cinderella Story. Evidently it doesn't bother the official site of Fresno state.
Maybe it kind of rubs LL the wrong way because of all the 'glass slipper' and 'pumpkin' fodder we had to listen to from the dumb and dumber commentators.

Maybe the simplest parallel between Cinderella and Fresno State is that good things happen to good people. Cinderella was thrown into an adverse situation in her life. Through her own perserverance and desire she attained her goal to be loved and be happy.

The Bulldogs were thrown into an adverse situation of losing games and their best pitcher early in the year. Through their perserverance and desire to bounce back and find a way to win, they attained their goals one at a time - the ultimate one in a National Championship.

Anyone that wants to come out West and watch some baseball for any amount of time will see the game is played at the highest level. I think that is what some of us are trying to say.
Last edited by iheartbb

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