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After reading the article I wonder what country I'm living certainly doesn't sound like the USA I grew up in...sounds more like Stalinist Russia where people were forced and coerced into testifying against their will.

Doesn't our Constitution provide that no person will be coerced into giving testimony either that is self-incriminating or implicates others? Isn't our system supposed to assume innocent until "proven guilty"? Doesn't that mean that the State must prove its case based upon prima-facia evidence...not coerced testimony that is heresay? The judicial system is out of control.

I rue the day that Communism became an okay word and is now the form of government in this country...

Communism and Nazism are the two sides of the same coin of tyranny...and our government has assumed both in its methods as it justifies the means to an end...but your freedom from coercion against self-incrimination no longer protects you or me from the Stalinist tactics of your government.
Last edited by Ramrod
Baloney. If you think the United States is even remotely close to Stalinist Russia, then you obviously haven't studied much World History.

Communism and Nazism are the two sides of the same coin of tyranny...and our government has assumed both in its methods as it justifies the means to an end...but your freedom from coercion against self-incrimination no longer protects you or me from the Stalinist tactics of your government.

If you think our Government is practicing Communism and Nazism, then you're even more clueless than I thought. If you don't like it here, there's plenty of one-way flights out of California to any country your little heart desires.

A Federal investigation should get priority over Bud Selig's dog and pony show.
I thought you were aware of the methods many journalist use to add color to their stories as is obvious in Tim Dahlberg’s tell all story on Barry Bond’s female companion. You are the HSBBW resident purveyor of sensationalism and you have fallen hook line and sinker for the yellow rag journalism of Tim Dahlberg ------ Fungo
Ramrod, have you ever lived in any other country besides this one? I have....Columbia, SA....doing volunteer work in an orphanage....suggest you try residing, as a middle class, private citizen, in a similar locale.....might give you a greater appreciation for what you don't hesitate to condemn.....

With you it's either racism, communism, and now nazism.......generalities, case you haven't one is buying it......
Last edited by LadyNmom

If you really want answers to your bizarre rant, send me a PM, I will explain the answers to all of your questions pertaining to the Constitution. But the fact is, and this is pro bono, you are clueless.

Fungo, and I say this to you with all due respect, Dahlberg's rag, in all likelihood, is not as yellow as you might think. Smoking guns get that way only because they have been fired.
Last edited by Baseballdad1228

Just once open your mouth and say something of an intelligent manner.

Even you must have some clue as to how crime investigations proceed, you always squeeze the little fish in order to get evidence on the big fish. Law enforcement will always look to an insider to provide information on a suspect. This goes back to well before Stalin by the way.

I just glanced at this thread, saw your name, read your babblings and knew in an instant that had to do with Bonds. God, you are so transparent.

If you are so dissatisfied with how things are here, please by all means leave the country and go live elsewhere. If your lucky, you might even end up in a country that allows you to speak your mind openly and in public, no matter how foolish your statements are. (Opps, that IS this country, sorry you may be out of luck then).

Please either bring something relevant to the table or stop posting this babbling nonsense. It is becoming obvious to everyone here in the battle of wits you come to the arena completely unarmed.
I must say that I have not read the column in question, nor do I have any inclination to read it. Nonetheless, I am amazed at the at the gang beating of Ramrod. TR Hit even hits him twice, harder the second time. RR might have the most innane point of view in the history of the nation, but he has the right to have that point of view and to express it without such universal denunciation. The love it or leave it argument is one that I thought had been forever dispelled many years ago.

Next time we all ought to have a party, get some rocks, put Ramrod in the center of the circle and stone him to death. Then he won't be a bother to anyone here ever again.

It sounds absurd, but that is precisely what has happened in this amazingly distasteful thread.
I don't agree with Ramrod's point of view above either, but along with Jemaz I'm saddened that several posters have gone overboard and gotten ugly in this thread. I appreciate the posts that were civil and thoughtful, and along with itsinthegame I will echo this by Orlando: "Read more; get angry less."

Your right...he has the right to say these things, but we also have the right to call him on it.

After a few hundred posts of this blabber, many of us are getting tired of it.

"After reading the article I wonder what country I'm living certainly doesn't sound like the USA I grew up in...sounds more like Stalinist Russia where people were forced and coerced into testifying against their will.

Excuse me, but when someone makes a statement like that, I'm calling him on it.

"Doesn't our Constitution provide that no person will be coerced into giving testimony either that is self-incriminating or implicates others?"

He got it half right, the constitution does not provide protection from implicating others.
The idea of testifying against someone is EXACTLY how people of good conscious make sure the system works.

He certainly has the right to say his piece here, but if when he spouts this foolishness, do not be surprised when others stand up to it.
Especially when he rants like this.

"I rue the day that Communism became an okay word and is now the form of government in this country...


"Communism and Nazism are the two sides of the same coin of tyranny...and our government has assumed both in its methods as it justifies the means to an end...but your freedom from coercion against self-incrimination no longer protects you or me from the Stalinist tactics of your government."

your quote....

RR might have the most innane point of view in the history of the nation, but he has the right to have that point of view and to express it without such universal denunciation.

His has the right to express it, but where do you come up with the idea that the rest of us have no right to counter it?

Sorry, but I do not stand by and just let people spout off like this with out challenging their statements.
Again, I have great respect for the people that post here. MN-Mom and Jemaz are atop that list. However, when Ramrod goes to the extent of wondering when the US became Communist just for effect, it is not unreasonable to call him on it. Jemaz, your "stoning" scenario is as distasteful as anything I've read here.

I have a suggestion: Let's just take this entire thread down and let it go away. Nothing is to be learned or gained here.
Last edited by Baseballdad1228
quote: certainly doesn't sound like the USA I grew up in...

I know I am not the only one around here who was raised in the 1950's when we had institutionalized racism in the form of segregation (here we are using the term racism in its real meaning), U S Senators who investigated alleged Communists and ruining their careers, spousal and child abuse which did NOT raise red flags ... need I go on? All I can say is that altho I have not read the column and don't intend to (I am not really sure it belongs on this site which is intended for HIGH SCHOOL KIDS AND THEIR PARENTS to view), I can assure anyone younger than me that the country today, warts and all, is definitely better than the environment I grew up in in the '50's ... and we don't even want to talk about the '60's and how hard that decade was on all of us.

RR ... you are indeed entitled to your opinion as has been stated more than once. But please please please take Orlando's advice to read more and get angry less. I cannot even imagine how difficult it must be for you to always be looking for the worst in people and deciding that it is prevalent across the board. It must be a sad life indeed.
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
I am not really sure it belongs on this site which is intended for HIGH SCHOOL KIDS AND THEIR PARENTS to view

In my mind, the original post was inappropriate for this site.

E6 - Congratulations on the brilliant observation that Barry Bonds is the most controversial topic that can possibly be raised on this site. You get an A+ for raising it over and over again..... My concern is that many of our most distinguished members are losing interest in the site and have started to back-off from contributing.

Regarding RR, the best way to deal with inane commentary is to ignore it imho.
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