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Yes, baseball is big in the Old Dominion.  There's really nothing to be jealous of weather wise.  The weather in VA has been a challenge for high school sports since the winter.  


However, if we are talking about college football then you might have something.  I do recall a certain Virginia Tech team beating Ohio State 35-21 in Columbus before the Buckeyes went on to win the national championship.    Football is huge in OH and I'm thinking baseball is just as big as football in Virginia.


PS..My oldest son's former VA travel team had two guys from (northeast) Ohio on it. Both were studs. 

Fenway, we take our football serious in Ohio, I seem to remember that loss as well. But all well that ends with a National championship .


Cold and rainy here in Ohio but son's college team is forging thru. On game 30 tomorrow, first 12 were south when it was cold there too (except Miami FL which only thought it was cold that weekend at 75 and gray outside in February). Last 18 have been in the great upnorth where a start time with 50 once was considered a heat wave .


Glad the HS are getting going, gives me something to watch during the week.


Thought I was going to get to watch home opener of my kids HS Saturday but field was under water when I showed up, so I went and hung out with freshman coaches (whom I am friends with) and watch them hit and do bullpens inside. Can't seem to ever get enough of that little round ball with red seams and the crack of a bat or smack of a leather glove when they meet.

Greetings Fenway!  There will be a beat down in Blacksburg this fall.  A little payback is coming.  Should be fun!


As far as Ohio baseball, it has come a long way in just the past five years.  More indoor facilities popping up.  Better travel programs with ex-major league guys running them, and more schools taking the game seriously. 


Our particular HS has not had a good program over the years.  It has been eye opening for myself and my son (versus the travel ball mentality and coaching), at the lack of taking the game serious at his school.  There is also a lack of good baseball teaching.  Just the basic things not getting done. 


Coaches are the nicest guys in the world.  Just not good baseball minds.  Son starts as a freshman, and does well, so not a complaining parent.  Just a little shell shocked at the lack of attention to detail, and overall baseball knowledge.  Was warned by our travel coaches, but still did not expect it. 


Son is having fun, no matter.  Expecting some changes after this year in coaching.  We have a former D1 player coaching our JV, and it is different world for that JV team.  My son often wishes he could practice with that team. 


It is what it is.  He is excelling, and for the most part, having fun.  I am just hoping for a little more as the team moves forward.  Lots of talent in the freshman and 8th grade classes.  Potential to be legit and do some damage as Juniors and Seniors. 


Hope all is well in VA.  Was just traveling down that way for business.  Very pretty territory.  Stopped at Va. Tech, and UVA to take a look.  Awesome!





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