Originally posted by wogdoggy:
who really cares what you think..you are the typical chest pounding dad know it all that i've ran into too many times in my son's baseball life.You have it all figured out and then you go and rail on anybody else's ideas..maybe you can work for our current commander in chief.oh heres a smiley for ya
I'm not railing on your ideas, they aren't yours. As far as I can see you haven't posted on an original thought since I've been here.
Chest pounding? Where? Please show even one post where I have even made a suggestion to someone about hitting. Or told someone to get off their "high horse". Do you own a mirror?
I not only don't know it all, I don't even know the questions. What I don't do is run around the internet telling people what they need to do to hit a baseball. And I certainly don't use bumper sticker slogans to do it.
If you don't care what I think, why do you reply?
Yes, I spell checked your post. The "I" in "I've" should be capitalized.
Oh, and I do work for the current CINC.