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It's a world of laughter
- A world of tears
It's a world of hopes
- And a world of fears
There's so much that we share
- That it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all

It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all

It'll take ya'll a solid week to get that jingle out of you head.........

It's a small, small world
Last edited by FormerObserver
Originally posted by infielddad:
txbb6, I am probably in the minority on the HSBBW any more, but this thread and the one you started asking for information about the A&M coaching staff are...well, curious.
What would you think if you were an A&M coach and read the posts?

With regard to asking about the coaching staff, a good coach should credit someone for doing their homework. If the coach has a problem with that, the player might want to look elsewhere.
After my son verballed he got some calls from JUCOs in the area asking if he would like to play on their teams if he wanted to be a draft and follow. There is no more draft and follow but still the usual path is commititng to a JUCO first, taking another opportunity if one that is better comes along second, not eh other way around.

JMO, but if for some reason your son is considering a JUCO and verballed to A & M, I'd keep it private.
Originally posted by Texan:
Absolutely true, best asked before. But perhaps better late than never?

Better late than never? Hardly imho. This thread has done more harm than good imho.

People are starting to out-think things here on the hsbbweb imho. How long do people think Texas A&M or any other program would remain viable if they started re-negging on their promises to recruits? To paraphrase FO - "Word gets around fast"

To all the young recruits out there that have verbally committed, there is no need for a backup plan until there is a need for a backup plan. What do I mean by that cryptic phrase? Suppose one had committed recently and now the head coach and his staff has left to pursue greener pastures (e.g., UC Irvine). In that case, the parameters of the verbal committment have changed and the recruit might very well consider someplace else - and rightfully so imho. Until that time or other compelling circumstance, it seems people ought to keep their word.

If coaches are still recruiting players after they have verballed, then I believe the recruit or the parents should tell those other schools that they are happy with their decision and to politely leave them alone.

Finally, for the majority of kids out there who have not found a home at this early date, be thankful for the opportunities that will present themselves to you. They will come. When a coach says he wants you and you feel the same way, your joy and hard work will be no less an achievement than those who perhaps have already found their way.
Finally, for the majority of kids out there who have not found a home at this early date, be thankful for the opportunities that will present themselves to you. They will come. When a coach says he wants you and you feel the same way, your joy and hard work will be no less an achievement than those who perhaps have already found their way.

Very encouraging words. Thank you! Smile
Last edited by Infield08
Many players commit to JUCO programs and then committ to larger programs during the process. I know quite on this board whose sons have done so as backup. JUCOS are always happy to take a player who chooses another path later on.

Many players committ to JUCO programs after they are drafted or before they set foot on campus.

To committ to a large program before or after signing NLI and continuing to seek out other options is up to that player, but the purpose of the verbal is to let that coach and other schools know you are going to sign. After signing, the purpose of the NLI is to let other programs know you have committed in writing and leave them alone, we all know that.

Infielddad brought up a very good point.

I do beleive the original post was changed?

Coaches don't want to know or hear that their verballed recruits are seeking other alternatives. If one chooses to do so, should be under quiet descretion.

Where has this thread done more harm than good.?
Last edited by TPM
CD, I know for a fact that the D1 coach involved here has asked players who committed to other schools to renege on their verbal commitments and switch over to his program. Be a little hard for him to throw stones...

Nothing wrong with backup plans. Many things can change. Not all of them baseball related.
Last edited by Texan
After son verballed we got a call from a local JUCO to do the same. His reasoning was not that of ours. He wouldn't stop calling. DK told his coach at Clemson, the calls stopped after that. Coaches who worked hard to get their recruits to commit don't like that approach.

It's done all of the time. This is how many JUCOs recruit, they feed off of other's hard work.
some of these posts have it all wrong. sorry if there is confusion. i simply threw the question out there wanting to know how many times it happens and what are the usual responses.
we are not even considering any other offers. son found his fit and is very happy with it. how has this post done more harm then good. son told JUCO coach that he was already commited. as far as me asking in other areas about coaches and such? just preparing for what is next to come. that is all. no harm no foul in that. sorry about some of the confusion.

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