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Baseball for Ever,

Welcome to the HSBBW.

Son did not commit to a college till summer after Senior year in HS.

I would of much rather of had him commit earlier, If at all possible.
But sometimes you have to be patient.
Let things play out, and have a back-up plan.
Its the Players committment, and once they make it.
Do the best you can with the opportunity that is granted to you.
Good Luck

My son did not commit until Feb of his senior year.

My advice is to prepare for college as a regular student. What happens if junior breaks his leg in winter workouts?

I wa told to put together three lists of schools...

The dream schools
The Likely schools - ones that fit
The For Sure Schools - guranteed admission

Apply, do essays, apply for financial aid. What can it hurt?
Absolute latest could be as late as August just before school starts. Fairly unusual, but it happens. Some schools lose kids at the last minute because of draft signings or JC route for some anticipated kids. Some kids can really bloom over the summer, or be recovering from injury. This can open up some opportunities.

That being said, don't wait or hope for this to happen. Apply to schools that you are interested in baseball wise and academically, and keep the coaches aware of your status. My son had a disappointing Junior year, came back strong his senior year. Had several early offers, but not his top two choices. He applied and was accepted to one and wait listed on the second. He kept the coaches informed of his interest and baseball progress, and ended up with offers from both, finally signing in May of his senior year. The fact that he had applied and showed continued interest was very beneficial. It has worked out very well so far.

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