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We plan to play in the 15U WWBA tournament this next summer. I have been looking at wood bats since this is the first time my son would be playing in a wood bat tournament of any importance. What is the deal with the composite wood bats? I see them, and it looks like they have a composite layer on the outside of the wood, but I was not sure what the tournament rules were about using them. Also what the performance is like with them compared to others. Just thought I would inquire.

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I agree the Baum bats have proven themselves with our summer league team.

We have also had good luck with a maple bat that my son picked up from one of the vendors at the WWBA in Jupiter this Fall. Not sure if its pure luck or the quality of the bat but he hasn't managed to break it yet. (Probably a big mistake saying that, he has BP this evening). I will see if I can get the manufacturers name on that bat.

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