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Was told yesterday that the new coach they hired is a first time coach and not much older then his players. The information was from a KC "bird dog" very close to the former coach.

Also the school is in Bronxville in a very nice residential neighborhood, Westchester County. Manhattan College is in Riverdale, also a nice residential area of the Bronx.
Allegedly posted by Coach Greiner on

Lets stop all the guessing and BS. This is Coach G. In late October, the College administration gave me the choice to resign or be fired. I chose the latter. The FACTS are these. In early Sept., a friend of the program and a realastate agent informed me he was handling a property for a woman. When the left over furniture was sold, she wanted to donate the funds to the baseball team. My friend asked me to send her some kind of receipt. Start of school, etc. I forgot. He called 3-4 weeks later, informed me the furniture was in the process of being sold, would make the team between, $200 and $800 dollars and don't forget to send receipt. I drafted a letter, noted $400 as the dollar amount, signed the head of advancement's name to it and mailed it out. Since we raise upwards of $35,000 for our spring trip, I forgot about it. Three weels later the advancement person called me into his office. The letter I mailed to the woman, who I did not know and still haven't met had the wrong address on it and it was returned to the College. On Oct. 18, I met with the advancment person, most certainly stated what I did was wrong, but pointed out, because their was a third person involved, he was going to deliver the funds to the college after the sale. I also pointed out, the account in question was one I had personally raised over $75,000 over the last 11 years. He was angry and rightfully so, but at that monemt, I never thought it would reach the heights it did. That weekend, I spoke at an open house at the College, spent time with the President and nothing was said. Up till now I at least thought my AD was neutral in the process. The following Wednesday, the advancement person had me meet with the head of the athletic counsel and human ressources, I know knew this was heading somewhere. At the meeting I re-canted the story, gave the group the name of the agent. I later found out, they spent a few minutes on the phone with him that afternoon and he testified to my story. Later that afternoon my AD still insisted I had nothing to worry about !!!! On Thursday, Oct.25, the HR person called me at home and informed me to come to school and sign resisgnation papers or be terminated by 5pm. I was stunned. Asked her if it was specifically about this incident and she said it was. I aksed her to fax the papers to my attorney for review, my attorney eventually talked to her and asked to have the college attorney call him. By 5pm, the papers were not faxed and no call came from any attorney. I assumed I was fired and informed my fellow coachs that night of the happenings, as well as a captain and an assistant coach as well. Telling them all, I did not feel the punishment fit the crime and would not resign. Low and behold, early Friday afternoon, the head of the athletic counsel and Asst to the President called me at home. This is a woman I had butted heads with from the day she stepped on campus. She wanted to "give me" one more chance to resign. It was clear to me the resisgnation was something they wanted so they could be unsulated from any other questions. I told her no-thank you. I met with my team off campus and Saturday, informed them of these details and apoligized. I later found out, two of my players were involved in mving the furniture, they were never questioned to back up my story. One week after I was fired, the advancement person called my friend and all most insisted he still donate the $405. He was informed the funds were sent to the woman with a letter of explanation and Coach and a copy of the letter and the returned checked. I know where there are alot of skeltons, it is not my way to tear down a place I gave my life to for 11 years. It was clear when the new administartion came on board 6 years ago things were different. The humanity and campassion that exsisted on campus with Dr.Schultz was gone. My supporters, don't feel bad for me, there are many, many good coachs and fine Lutheran people who could not work in the conditions that exsist there today. What I did was wrong, I know what my intent was and certainly do not believe I should have been fired for it. While I put myself under the bus, it is clear now, no one there was looking to help. Feel bad for the wrong ladies on the woman's s****r team, who now have gone 4 months without a coach, as the recruting season moves on. The part-time coachs there do the best they can, the full time coachs, who have never been successful, there is no excuse. Babaoreilly, who logs on here says a capable replacement has been named. For him and anyone else nutured in this program by me, I guess "capable" comes before "loyal" in the dictionary, as to the field improvements, any there will tell you when and how the bids were secured and by who. Lets just all move on now, if you do not have the guts to say who you are and want to accuse me of someting, don't log on. Lets just meet back here in 3 years and see how things turned out. I can only think of para-phrasing, Clarence Thomas at his Supreme Court confirmation hearings " it was a public lynching" Smile

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