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Our son was told by a DII coach that he will definitely have a spot on the team next year. How much he plays depends on how much he puts into to it when he gets there. Coach is personally handling his application. We (parents) emailed the coach and he also told us in the email, "your son will play for our team" but as happy as we are shouldn't there be a letter? I have heard he distributes scholarship money more to upper classman. He has offered to get grant money, etc. for my son. Should we ask the coach about a letter?? We are so confused!
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Originally posted by baseballmom246:
Our son was told by a DII coach that he will definitely have a spot on the team next year. How much he plays depends on how much he puts into to it when he gets there. Coach is personally handling his application. We (parents) emailed the coach and he also told us in the email, "your son will play for our team" but as happy as we are shouldn't there be a letter? I have heard he distributes scholarship money more to upper classman. He has offered to get grant money, etc. for my son. Should we ask the coach about a letter?? We are so confused!

Based on limited info you show above I'm making a few assumptions.
---The Coach mentioned about getting grant money etc... You need to ASK HIM if he will be giving your Son athletic scholarship money. Nothing wrong with grants (academic or need based but you probably want athletic money as well). IMO grant money etc... is something that the coach has limited if any direct control of, so he may have good intentions but be aware. Also as you may be aware there are a possible 9 scholarships available for Div II IF the school is fully funded, if they are not realize whatever they have needs to be split among the entire team. It is not unheard of that coach will might give more $ to the upper classman, they've performed for him on the field and in the classroom.

---Playing time no gtd's and I wouldn't ask for any but I think its fair to ask where your Son fits into his team. Will he be playing behind a all conference Soph? or a Jr who is expected to go in the draft, which means by his Soph yr he'll be in good shape at that position...or did the starter graduate and the position will be open.

Unless there is Athletic money there won't be anything to sign...and at this point you cant sign until April 11 (late signing period). I would also ask or check their website to see who they have signed already.

In regards to National Letter of Intent see the link below

NLI Link
Thanks for your comments. Here is the bottom line....we emailed the Coach - kept missing each other on the phone. He wrote "I never put anything in writing regarding making a team because nothing is ever gauranteed. I would feel very comfortable that if he worked hard once he got on campus that he would make a team. Regarding scholarship money, if he developed into a starting-type pitcher for us at any time, we would look to compensate him for that." The School has a JV and Varsity team. I would not be unhappy if my son was JV because he is young and needs more playing time. So, we know the Coach wants him but does not sign. Any thoughts??
by bbmon246: So, we know the Coach wants him but does not sign. Any thoughts??
if the coach WANTS him, he recruits him & makes an offer - - if he's out of money, but wants him, offers a "recruited walkon" spot (no athletic $$, but ON the team from the 1rst day of school, dormed with athletes, etc)
I can understand your confusion .. from your description of the communications with the coach, I would be too - - in college baseball there are 1000s of non starting pitchers on scholarship

it appears:

1) there is no offer
2) the coach is not recruiting your son
3) if your son applies to the school, he can apply for the same financial aid as other students
4) if your son attends that school, he can tryout as a walkon just like any other students

many get no chance to play in college, so that situation might just be your best one ... however, since the next signing period isn't till April you needn't hurry to decide. things can happen with other schools by then & he can't give you a deadline on "his offer of nothing", can he? what could he take away??
("nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin' - Billy Preston)

noting your location, try giving TRHit (Rizzi) a call and get some input from him

I guess you don't have to burn any bridges , but if your reading of the coaches "earlier" emails was accurate, it sure seems alot different from his last email. if he's sending mixed messages during recruiting, I'd expect alot worse later.

I'd write a polite note thanking him for clearing up his position -
tell him your son will look forward to seeing him on the field -
he'll be in the VISITORS bullpen/dugout!!

the episode with him ought to serve as some serious motivation for a player

hope that helps

ps - don't forget the "dirty secret" of "some" schools with large rosters & JV programs - coach is required to bring in extra players as customers ...
their chance is slim to none of ever seeing varsity PT ... why you ask? ...
$33,000 COA x 22 JV players x 4+ yrs = a cool $3 million plus to the bursar's office Mad

Last edited by Bee>

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