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... from Steinbrenner looking for loopholes in his contract to dump him, to being booed horribly in Yankee Stadium, to intense media scrutiny, to losing his swing, talk about comeback! I couldn't be happier for Giambi. How could he not fold under all of that pressure? Showed me a lot about his character. He is one of my favorites for sure. Way to go Jason!
I'm not one to defend Soxnole, being a Cub fan and all, but even I have to wonder, TR,who are the six modern day hitters who you would rank ahead of a healthy Frank Thomas in his prime. One rule though, all steroid guys are out. I'll give you Pujols, although 5 years does not a career make, but other great hitters, Piazza, Bagwell, Ramirez, for example, have comparable stats but hardly qualify as guys whose shoes Big Frank can't shine. When healthy, Thomas was more of a presence than any of them. And I hate the guy!
Last edited by Holden Caulfield
Barry's actually up for the Balcomeback Player Of The Year. Wink

The AL's field of potential CPOTY wasn't terribly impressive; but even at that, frankly, I was surprised Giambi was allowed to be in the hunt. Given that MLB is trying (however ineptly at times) to clean up its image, there's too much of a whiff around him. He's given non-specific apologies, is a steroid user based on leaked testimony, his 'honor' is very, very probably based on not voiding a 7 year-$120 mil contract, and he may be coming back from enhancement-induced or exacerbated injuries (Do we know that for certain? No, but it's a valid medical question.).
First off, congrats to both Giambi and Griffey Jr.

For those of you that are shaming MLB for giving Giambi the award, shame the voters. Fans voted on MLB's website. I voted for both of these guys. And they are very well deserving.

Here in my part of Kentucky the court system has a new program called "Drug Court". Here people who are caught must go to a program that helps them to admit that they have a problem and to help them to get through it and get rid of the problem, for good. We don't shame the court system for it nor do we shame the admitted drug users. We applaud them for their efforts. Giambi admitted to his use of steriods and has worked his way back. I, for one, commend him for his bravery and determination to stay in baseball. I can think of one player that lied about his use in front of congress and the public. Shame him not Giambi. Giambi deserves alot more than ridicule from some people that want him out because he is an "admitted cheater".
Last edited by tasmit
Tasmit, I dont' want him "out" because he is an admitted cheater, but I do not think he should be honored any more than someone should be honored for coming back from a motorcycle accident when his contract forbids him from riding them in the first place. It is enough that he is still permitted to play. To honor him is appalling.


How about from 1980 to the present?

My pains me to say this, but I have to agree with 'soxnole'! Frown

Before Big Frank was injured about three years ago, he went through a horrible, bitter divorce. He has not returned to his hall-of-fame form yet. Yes I said, "Hall-Of-Fame"!!!!!

If you remember when he came into the 'bigs', the first three years of his career with the White Sox, Frank was on a pace to break all sorts of records. He had numbers that matched Mantle, Ruth and Williams, or better in some cases. He has a tremendous 'eye' at the plate. I think it was two or three years ago that he lead the entire major leagues with having the most pitches pitched to him in a season. I heard that it has happened several times in his career.

If he comes back next season, which he says he is and is health, I think if he gets back on track, he still has a chance to make the "hall".
Last edited by BoomerIL

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