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Of course I would say this was a special postseason, but there were so many lessons in it for young ballplayers.

It wasn't about Big Names; it was about role players. (Several of them rooks and castoffs)

Don't sit back and wait for the Big Guy, it's not his job to carry you.

It wasn't about home runs; it was about defense, hitting behind the runner, and executing pitches.

David Eckstein is a lesson in himself.

Jim Edmonds, injured veteran, may not have contributed as he has in the past, but he stepped up to rally the team in the clubhouse --- use what you've got to do what you can.

Believe in yourself, don't listen to the critics. As that wonderful sign in the stand said: "The experts are idiots"!

Loved the rollercoaster ride, Cards. See you in about 100 days at Pitchers and Catchers!

Now excuse me while I boogaloo......

I think a lot of lessons, as Orlando stated, could be learned by all of us from this World Series. Be humble. Did anyone hear the post game interviews. While a lot of the questions were directed at individuals, they always brought the issue back to team. Did anyone hear the post game interview with Coach Leyland? He was asked at one point which area, pitching, fielding or hitting, let the team down the most. His answer was that he'd never single out one area and that if there was blame to assess, blame him. Eck! NUFF SAID! What about a World Championship Team comprised of a cast of castoffs! As Weaver stated, "I never stopped believing in myself. I just needed to find a place where management believed in me as much to give me another shot." Edmonds asked about LaRussa, "He's a Rock!" I am here at school because we have an early morning event and haven't watched the news. Anyone want to bet that nothing in St. Louis was destroyed overnight in our celebration? Great FANS! Naturally, you'd have to mention the Tigers as well. PURE CLASS! I haven't heard one player or coach give an excuse. In fact, they've gone out of their way to credit the Cardinals organization. Again, I agree with Orlando, a lot could be learned from this World Series!



Last edited by CoachB25
I enjoyed watching the series because there is nothing better thn seeing a bunch of young guys and "castoffs" from both teams playing in a championship series.
We always say talent prevails in the end. Teams spend so much money to get to where these guys were last night and win or lose, this is why I love the game so much. You can have all the talent you want, assemble a bunch of all star players together, but you might just get a team of individuals, not players who play with teh true team concept which includes, chemistry, great coaches, fans who love their teams when they are down and when they are up.

I also think that in the very near future, we are going to see a big change, younger healthier players taking the field, out with the older aging superstars. Mark my words!

I had personal reasons for rooting for the Tigers organization, but I am also happy Cards took it, because I was tired of hearing about how AWEFUL the NL was. I don't think it was a matter of who had better players, better coaching, but just that a lack of experience from the hurt in the end. I kind of was relating this whole series to what I saw in Omaha, and Oregon State's win. They were the only team that was made up of several players who had been there before, knew what to expect, knew what they had to overcome. That's baseball!

As far as the MVP, no he is not a scouts dream, he does not fit the mold and in the end, stats is what brings you to the HOF. Baseball is a game for the moment and he played for the moment, despite any mistakes, he did what he had to do, he STEPPED up, which is what wins games in the end. Players finding it within themselves to do whatever they can to bring their team the win.

Lots of comments from fans of other teams about the series, I just call it sour grapes because their team didn't make it. Smile

I also have one thing to say, TPM had the opportunity to pass outside the stadium this year, so maybe that had something to do with it, something different? N, I KNOW that didn't help them win, but maybe it was , how odd that I got to see the stadium of the NEW World champs TWICE! Big Grin
Last edited by TPM
Tiger Paw Mom:

Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
As far as the MVP, no he is not a scouts dream, he does not fit the mold and in the end, stats is what brings you to the HOF. Baseball is a game for the moment and he played for the moment, despite any mistakes, he did what he had to do, he STEPPED up, which is what wins games in the end. Players finding it within themselves to do whatever they can to bring their team the win.

Very well stated! I especially liked your observation: he played for the moment.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
To Coach B and the other Cardinal fans (especially us displaced Cardinals fans), quite an end to one heck of a roller coaster ride. I echo many of the thoughts already stated, but I want to point out the class of Jim Leyland after the game. Obviously disappointed, he was unbelievably classy during his postgame is what people should remember...his class and obviously his job he did with the Tigers this year.

I enjoyed donning my Cardinals sweatshirt and walking out on the balcony of my suburban Chicago condo and my wife and I banging pots and pans right after the end of the game...pure joy (she's a Chicagoan, but she's caught Redbird fever).

One more the past, you could always name the Cardinals starting lineup during the season and playoffs. Not this is a collection of players...a true team who each contributed to attaining the ultimate prize in baseball...winning the World Series.

(It wasn't about home runs; it was about defense, hitting behind the runner, and executing pitches.

David Eckstein is a lesson in himself.)

I agree it wasn't about the superstars it was about playing baseball.

I don't care what the critics say about Eckstein being too small or his arm not being strong enough the guy plays good ball. And right now, I bet there are a lot of teams that wish they had him.

[QUOTE] Tiger Paw Mom:

(You can have all the talent you want, assemble a bunch of all star players together, but you might just get a team of individuals, not players who play with teh true team concept which includes, chemistry, great coaches, fans who love their teams when they are down and when they are up.)

I agree 100%! I saw some great players on teams that played as Individuals not as a part of a team.
Last edited by HowUbe

Originally posted by boris:
I enjoyed donning my Cardinals sweatshirt and walking out on the balcony of my suburban Chicago condo and my wife and I banging pots and pans right after the end of the game...pure joy (she's a Chicagoan, but she's caught Redbird fever).

So that was you on the balcony above me...banging those pots and pans...letting the neighborhood know that the Cardinals have returned to the penthouse coop of the baseball world. I'm happy for you...really am.

Just a favor to ask of you though...if the Cards win it all again next year please remember to empty the pots and pans before breaking into wild celebration...the chrysanthemums on our balcony have taken on a distinctive Italian look and aroma after catching the mostacolli and meatballs from above.

At the very least, if the Cards win again, could you consider Chicken Marsala? It's one of my favorites...and don't skimp on the mushrooms.

Seriously...congratulations to you and the's a wonderful feeling when your team wins it all!
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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